Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [v-ing] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Worrying about people 's comments instead of keeping calm and concentrating on the flying and on getting down safely is often the root cause of a bad landing .
2 The columns were part of an octastyle portico , each 48 feet high and standing on a 22 feet podium .
3 As Derek Brown of Birchfield , who at 13 years old and speculating on a career in athletics , spending two evenings and a Sunday morning training , said : ‘ I do n't let it bother my school work 'cause I can get it all done in my other time , but this [ athletics ] is what I 'd really like to do ; I keep setting myself goals every year to get to the top . ’
4 When the exercises finished for the day , he relaxed into numbness , his mind free and floating on a gently rocking tide .
5 John Tavener 's cello work The Protecting Veil is hymn-like and bordering on the minimalist .
6 Joe could n't be sure without checking , but he thought that the street was somewhere outside of Soho proper and bordering on the fringe of Chinatown .
7 Dot sat rigid and shivering on the wicker armchair in the conservatory .
8 With weeks , sometimes months between the issue of travel documents and their actual use , frequent changes in timetabling and the inevitable delays on overworked railways and sea routes , predicting when and where a transport would arrive was about as reliable as betting on a roulette wheel .
9 I had chosen the right moment , because I found him , not so much irresolute as musing on the possibility of being wiped out by ‘ a stray bomb ’ .
10 And he put his hand out to her , warm and loving on the counterpane between them .
11 Duvall , semi-conscious and moaning on the floor .
12 I could hear the shotgun barking as I walked through the dim , dripping woods from the house , staying off the muddy path as much as possible and walking on the flattened , exhausted-looking grass at its side to keep my shoes from clogging up .
13 I sat sweating and swearing on the sticky back seat .
14 The boring old unions would be pushed out by a new Rainbow Alliance of media-wise radicals , alert and campaigning on the big issues of racial and sexual discrimination , nuclear power , and protecting the environment .
15 She would be a gold-wrapped parcel , hard and shining on the outside , soft and tempting on the inside .
16 See now , your king comes to you ; he is victorious , he is triumphant , humble and riding on a donkey , …
17 Cold on the feet on the cold and damaging on the eyeball .
18 However , if you are just beginning your pressed flower work , you may become extremely confused when working on the two pictures simultaneously , so I would recommend that you work on one design at a time .
19 For many years , however , he was unpredictable and sometimes violent , and his conversation became rambling and incoherent when touching on the subject of his delusions .
20 If she walks within a few hundred yards of this building , she will see young people , whom the Government have deprived of benefit , sleeping rough and begging on the streets because of the total indifference of people such as the hon. Lady and Conservative Members .
21 She seemed to be wearing Anna 's evening dress , long and black and trailing on the floor , winking with spangles .
22 Well the answer is yes but of course landing and taking off on a road is one thing , being able to operate is another one because clearly one needs er fuel , weapons , ground crew and the like but landing on a road in itself is is not difficult .
23 They look quite dull and uninteresting when lying on the beaches around Whitby and Scarborough , but they take a brilliant polish and look wonderful when mounted as jewellery .
24 For those with a young family the inevitable taxi duties and watching our children take part in their school and club activities become more important than lying on the settee recovering from the morning session .
25 ‘ It 's now a question of honour and that 's more important than winning on the field .
26 There was a great bubbling and frothing on the surface of the water .
27 The desire of Hans-Dietrich Genscher , the West German Foreign Minister , to deliver the West German side of the bargain appears to have been dissolved by the prospect of television pictures showing young East German families , including pregnant women , hungry and crying on the pavement outside an unwelcoming West German embassy .
28 Like the Holy Ghost , ascending and descending on the foreheads of the Apostles , only in Maggie 's case it 's voles and fieldmice . ’
29 Please note that where accommodation is described as having a sea view , this means that a view of the sea will be available when standing on the balcony or terrace .
30 His mother stretched mute and bleeding on the bed .
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