Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pers pn] [be] because " in BNC.

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1 I did n't have a boyfriend , and I was convinced that it was because I was too fat .
2 I think perhaps the council will now see why I 'm getting so frustrated and it 's because we 've been talking about this for over twelve months .
3 When Dot began to cry she was n't sure if it was because of thinking about poor Mr Brown 's two missing fingers or because she could n't remember what her father 's face looked like , or merely because of the alarming new orders about train departures cackling from the loudspeakers .
4 No , nothing at all about the lock and two years after closed and it was because of this because the men on the phone told me so and er anyway brought about the bridge and er I er accepted it , you know what I mean , it was that was it , I 'd done it myself .
5 Now I 'm not quite sure whether it 's because we 've known , like Naomi , we 've we know periods of barrenness and leanness that his blessing seems so much more , I do n't know if that 's what it is , or whether it is just because his blessings are so bountiful , but she is overwhelmed by God 's goodness and by God 's blessing to her they could now experience God 's blessing .
6 Then , when price is low firms do not know for sure whether it was because someone cheated ( produced a larger than agreed output ) , or because demand was low .
7 Er , yes I agree the funding that we provide at the moment , seventeen thousand I think , er i in in we 've already committed erm for for wh for the coming year , is small but it is because of the example , because er people who wish to m er erm promote cycling schemes and cycling policies within South Cambridgeshire , within the county council can identify the example that we have been setting that hypothecated budget aimed at cycling have been er directed this way and have been spent amicably , constructively , sensibly by cycling working parties .
8 She was very young , 18 or 19 , and relatively immature although much more worldly wise than I was because she had lived a much more international sort of life , and having been around the music scene a lot more than I had , she was streetwise at her age to a greater degree than I — there was no question of that .
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