Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] have [art] " in BNC.

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1 I do rather resent it when there are other council committees , there 's Town Hall Strategy Working Party in the afternoon , now if we 're going to be sure that we can all get to this without conflict with other committees , erm I had to be there on behalf of the Lord Mayor because she had duties , erm and I was very sorry not to be able to come , because I have dealt , visited many occupational , I wanted to visit the officers , and you know , it is n't always possible where you have a conflict of interests .
2 This compared with 26 per cent of the women without an intimate tie with husband or boyfriend , but who reported a confiding relationship with another person ( seen at least weekly ) , and with 41 per cent of those who had a confidante seen less than weekly or who had no such relationship at all .
3 On the other hand a child who was brought up to be bilingual in French and English or who had a natural facility for ‘ picking up ’ languages could romp through his spoken French grades and have reached the top by the time he was 16 , while perhaps having achieved lower grades both in written French and in other more literary aspects of the subject .
4 She took the packet with some fussy excitement , and she was clearly a little relieved when we made it clear that we had no intention of staying or seeking entrance .
5 Only you made it clear that we had no future . ’
6 My right hon. Friend the Prime Minister has made it clear that we have no intention of raising the rate of VAT either before or after the election .
7 My right hon. Friend the Prime Minister has made it perfectly clear that we have no intention of increasing VAT .
8 It is quite clear that we have a climate for recovery in this country , with falling unit labour costs , inflation below the European Community average and interest rates fully competitive with those of our competitors .
9 Whether or not this is true of all of us , it is clear that we have the ability to react , when the situation demands it , to the unspoken sound of a written text .
10 If ever a comparative survey of the I.Q. of the nations of the world was undertaken , there would be no particular surprise if we came top of the league table : It is as clear that we have the ability to solve our problems as to win the only battle that really counted in World War II — the last one !
11 The fact that my slimmers felt so much healthier encouraged them to continue on the diet while they were losing weight and it became clear that they had no intention of falling back in to their old habits .
12 Nevertheless five men , who had been imprisoned because they deliberately and flagrantly disobeyed the orders of the NIRC , and so imperilled the rule of law and ‘ our whole way of life ’ , were released although they had not asked to be released and had made clear that they had no intention of apologizing to the court for their behaviour or of desisting from that behaviour .
13 Whether or not this advance notice had any bearing on the government 's response , when the subpoenas were served on 29 September , the FBI , the DEA , the State Department , the National Security Agency , the CIA and the National Security Council each made it clear that they had no intention of complying with them .
14 This was never a very promising argument , seeing that the notice is addressed to the defendants and not to the plaintiffs , and the defendants themselves have made it clear that they have no difficulty in understanding it and complying with it .
15 WE have been asked by the owners of the Lal Qila restaurants in Bath Street , Southport and Red Lion Buildings , Liverpool Road North , Maghull , to make it clear that they have no connection with a takeaway of the same name which was the subject of court proceedings reported in Wednesday 's Echo .
16 Analysis of Merovingian gold coin and early Anglo-Saxon gold artefacts has made it clear that they have a similar composition , the latter accurately following the debasement of the coinage ( Hawkes , Merrick and Metcalf 1966 ) .
17 Once the assumptions of the perfect market model are dropped it becomes clear that they have the capacity to safeguard these interests , manifested in a sluggishness of response , if not outright resistance , to changes in what consumers actually want , or might want if they were aware of the full range of possible alternatives .
18 and his wife , it was her second marriage , her first one had been to the doctor and he had actually examined paedophilia backed off , basically said well she did n't , she could n't get a conviction but it was quite clear that he had the motive and he 'd had the opportunity because Connie died from the fire which Harvey Jones had set cos he found out
19 It is clear that he has a well-defined professional identity and authenticity which have their roots in his strict adherence to his own therapeutic tradition ( ayuverdic medicine ) , in contrast to the ‘ flexibility ’ and eclecticism of many therapists in the West .
20 It was due to take place the last week in August and Mrs Bennett who , since the death of her husband , had lived with her married daughter , had promised to ‘ see it through ’ , as she put it ; but she had also made it quite clear that she had no desire to stay on permanently , as Celia had hoped .
21 In the second place , it is clear that she had no idea what effect her remark would or could have had on me .
22 On observation it was clear that she had a marked language delay and could say only two or three clear single words .
23 But it is clear that she has no diplomatic status in the United Kingdom and has no recognition from Her Majesty 's Government as a representative of the Republic of Somalia in this country .
24 Finally , foreign museums started contacting the Ministry of Culture and asking if they could buy , let us say , a picture by Malévich or Popova , and then it became clear that I had the pictures .
25 I wish to make it clear that I have no intention of using that power at present , but I would be prepared to use it if it emerged that individuals ' interests were not being properly protected by the scheme in practice .
26 However , the Shetland Islands Council made it clear that it had no intention of grasping the nettle itself , and taking any decision .
27 The Commission has made it clear that it has no proposals for guide prices on coal contracts or for Community subsidies for coal production .
28 It does n't seem to me sensible that I have the masters of the quality manual , master lists of procedure holders and so on because
29 Tonks was incensed about the Vichy venture , as were the NZRFU folk at home , everyone was embarrassed that they had no way of knowing where the All Black party were , what was involved in the game , and where next the travelling group might surface .
30 I am afraid that she had no success with me but I remember our chanting of ‘ Rowned and rowned — up and dowwnn — rowned and rowned . ’
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