Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] [vb past] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The unfortunate queen , unable to take sunlight after her lengthy seclusion , was entirely swaddled in black cloth — in which she was undergoing an exercise so rigorous that we wondered if she would emerge from it alive .
2 She let him pass her , fifty yards to the east ; the temptation to shout was wrong but she waited until he was at the hedge .
3 A little embarrassed because it looked as though she had been prying , Meredith murmured , ‘ I 'm not much of a cook . ’
4 It was furnished with an ancient iron bedstead and a wooden table so decrepit that it collapsed as I walked past it .
5 The darkness was so total that she wondered if they would even be able to proceed without the aid of a torch .
6 And I would be always be with John in the stable and I got until I got into er some danger walking er underneath a horses legs and he 'd he 'd send me out banned me from the stable and shut the door .
7 This close to Christmas it would be packed solid and I doubted if Eddie would be out on time , but I was n't going to risk it .
8 He looked so gorgeous that she tripped as she reached him in her high red heels , and landed against his hard chest with a gasp of shocked pleasure .
9 The bedchamber was hung with silks which were so fine that they bruised if something brushed against them .
10 When Fabia went to bed that night she felt as glum as she had when she had got up .
11 Oh going back to the apprenticeship you were more or less left as you stood because I I thought that journeymen were very what 's the word very er they were only too willing to let you know what was going on and when you think about it you can see why .
12 The caravan , we 'd like , made sure that nothing happened cos we were renting it , and then as we went through a petrol station , on the way home
13 Then he always made sure that she climaxed before he entered her .
14 It was as well that she did because she had forfeited most of her private life for the sake of her chosen career .
15 And erm , my wife who 's a teacher had erm a very devastating experience just after I retired so it was erm , it was as well that I retired when I did because I was then able to stay at home and er
16 It was all so quick and effortless that she wondered whether she 'd been mistaken about his intentions .
17 The portrait , he thought , must have been even more powerful than he realized if it could so dominate his physical reaction to the living woman .
18 and I phoned one night late and , it was late and I phoned for I wanted her to come home , and I was it was quarter to twelve and said she 's not home yet .
19 they 've got a girl that works there right and her name her name is Linda and they run this big machine and it 's really long and he said if she 's at the top machine he ca n't see down the other end of the machine cos her boobs are in the way and he 's got I said you do n't ask her can sh he said yeah well he said I 've got ta ask her can she move out the way , he said if she sits on the table her boobs are resting on the table , I said oh I 'd crack up .
20 There , they were brilliant and I felt as though they were just starting to work when finished .
21 She took it through to the lounge and laid it on the rug and at first I was amused But I could see all was not well because she sat as she usually does , but for a long time — over half an hour — then she lay down like this and she has n't moved . "
22 Yes you do and , and also , another thing , and it 's , in a way it was a bit annoying because we 'd go on these like crash diets , you know , we 'd get really nasty and s well not nasty and skinny we 'd just get really skinny before we went cos you know we would n't eat anything except like fruit for a we , we 'd eat , we 'd go on a diet and then we would n't eat fruit for , would n't eat anything but fruit for the week before and so we 'd , you know we 'd like have flat stomachs and you feel , if you have n't eaten you feel thinner even if you 're not , it 's all , it 's a bit , it 's psychological is n't it ?
23 It was a pity Wallace got injured when he did as I thought they were begining to hit it off together .
24 The juniper in No 26 next door was looking as tired as she felt as she opened the gate .
25 The old elderly , 75+ , are generally poorer than the young elderly as they retired when earnings were lower , and therefore had less savings , and lower or no occupational pensions .
26 She had been working with IMP for just under a year now and had managed to contribute significantly to their joint effort , so she did n't feel quite as inadequate as she had when she first joined them .
27 The liverpool supporters , although a tadge irritated by all these cheering Yorkshiremen took it very well and gave as good as they got when they equalised .
28 All I know how to do is write songs , and that 's what I want to do because I would like people to feel as good as I did when I heard a song for the first time . ’
29 On the other hand , none of them ever doubted his ability to give as good as he got when the street-fighting began .
30 Fabia was shaken , but was more intent then on finding out what she could do to help whatever the trouble was , than concerned that it looked as though she could say goodbye to her much looked forward to Czechoslovakian holiday .
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