Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [pron] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Tried projecting negative of Bride from holograph enlarger , he wrote , but image thin and weak where I want it strong ( though indeterminate ) .
2 We 'll put it right where we think it matters , on the training field and we 'll keep playing with the philosophy of working , training and competing . ’
3 … it being very narrow where we met it , the Driver of the Chaise in backing his Horses to avoid being drove over overturned his Chaise , but very providentially , blessed be Almighty God for it ! we received very little Injury , Nancys Face was a little bruised .
4 If you use a mirror in this way , be careful where you position it .
5 Chukar-type partridges Alectoris are longer , more upright and slightly more pheasant-like than smaller Perdix , and readily distinguished where they overlap it in W and S Europe by black and white eyestripes , white chin and throat , broad black band extending from eye down neck to form breast-band , conspicuous black and white barring on flanks , and red bill and legs .
6 Well I 'm not interested where he takes it !
7 Scie Scientific or You want it in scientific mode if it says scientific
8 They made it clear that they saw it as the core of a European army .
9 Although he did not commit a future Labour government to taking the tunnel into public ownership , he made it clear that he believed it would require a public stake to complete the project .
10 From the words of my right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State , it is clear that he regards it as vital that King 's Cross should go ahead as an essential part of the entire project .
11 ‘ It 's unproven technology , and Microsoft has not made it clear that it wants it as a server ’ .
12 Ironically the price of sterling went up so high that it made it very difficult for us to sell our other manufactured goods and many people are now of the belief that because of the North Sea oil price rises , this had an adverse affect on our economy , making it more difficult for us to sell manufacturing goods because the pound was very strong against other currencies .
13 You 've just to got be ca You 've just got to be careful that you get it i i you 've got it pristine working and it 's gon na work for two days .
14 The district had changed since he last lived here , but he was not so old that he resented it .
15 Its complete lack of any taste was so nauseating that I spat it out and decided to eat the rest of the bread by itself I was finishing this when there was the sound of boots in the passage again .
16 it 's quite interesting that they do it
17 Those remaining faced disease and starvation and the prospect of continuing civil war because the Russians left Afghanistan more unstable than they found it .
18 It was risky and she knew it .
19 But your chest is , is sounding clear and I expect it 's management of the hernia that 's going
20 He 's half and half , in fact a little bit more English if you weigh it up . ’
21 One aim is to make the familiar look unfamiliar and he says it was only when he referred back to his photographs after completing many of his drawings that he realised what he had missed .
22 I think , yeah I think it might look wrong if you turned it up actually .
23 The mechanics of putting together a behaviour plan will become clear if you look it two other sections : Verbal behaviour on page 170 and Non-verbal behaviour on page 116 .
24 It 's interesting cos you said it helps people with mild depression .
25 That 's interesting cos I mean it is a sort of a variant
26 I felt my hand touch something feathery and I pulled it out to see what it was .
27 He sits thinking about everything that could go wrong and I suppose it just eats him up . ’
28 Before : Rebecca 's long , one-length hair is quite coarse and she feels it looks dull and boring .
29 Bryony if you 're going to walk you need hold on to there because when you hang on to the handle it 's too high and you tip it over .
30 At the weekend I received a letter and a petition from a young girl called Frances aged nine years old and it brought it home to me that it is n't an adult centred er erm issue , that it 's one for everybody who lives in Leicestershire .
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