Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adv] they have " in BNC.

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1 Childbearing makes women dependent and thus they have less access to such freedom .
2 It was just similar and then they had the little hall then and the farmers women all did it , the big farmers but the women did it .
3 Whatever the quality of recruitment of barristers and solicitors , is my right hon. and learned Friend aware of the deep weakness in the British legal system in that justice is readily available to the poor who can get legal aid and to the rich who can easily afford it anyway but that to a large proportion of people in between it often seems barely accessible and yet they have to pay taxes to provide justice for others ?
4 Once or twice they lost their way but Cranston still kept his dagger unsheathed and soon they had reached Whitefriars and were back into Fleet Street .
5 The " confident " party were all the more delighted because even they had come to entertain one or two small doubts .
6 Well either ill or else they 've gone you know cos it 's a nice day out do n't know .
7 The production team , which again included writers Robert Lord and Abem Finkel , had made a film which depoliticized the Legion by making its motive force sheer racketeering rather than political control and by making the violence and executions personal rather than political but nevertheless they had come up with a realistic depiction of how a weak man could be drawn into a recognizably Fascist organization .
8 The great voice which calls us all has appointed that one card will remain blank and another shall be full , and not for any good or well they 've done to him .
9 There was a little exhibition called The Nude and basically they 've got a nice little Picture Gallery there with sort of various things in , but they also had some lovely anatomy books beside it and so on , some amazing engravings , you know , entire body structures , skeletal man , muscular man , .
10 It was an easy task , the grave was shallow and soon they had scraped the dirt off the still-white coffin lid .
11 However we evaluate the two styles morally — and we may certainly want to agree that supportiveness is a positive good — it is evident that instrumentally they have political consequences .
12 Yes , because the snag is with that is that it means the vast amount of , and then the gypsum that is produced has got to be disposed of has n't it , so that the limestone is mined and then they 've got to get rid of the gypsum .
13 And Britain 's swim pin-up Sharon Davies added : ‘ We have all been told not to talk about the Chinese and why they have done so well here . ’
14 They 're young and so they 've got lots of energy .
15 As Ruza fell wounded , the dead girl 's mother Svetlana screamed : ‘ My daughter is dead and now they 've injured my mother . ’
16 but erm yes the garden 's alright but then they 've been there in the garden all the winter as well
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