Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adj] as the " in BNC.

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1 Admitting that to someone as detached and uninterested as the man standing in front of the fireplace was going to take all the courage she had …
2 And most , they tend to add , are about as interesting and distinctive as the cowboy hats that the men still insist on wearing .
3 I can still remember the sound it made , a lovely special sound , as light and thin as the clothes were thick and heavy .
4 An aria should sound exactly as the word describes , as light and inevitable as the air itself ; but to achieve that !
5 This low alcohol version is as light and approachable as the full strength variety and is ideal for parties .
6 For all I know he may be as fresh and innocent as the dawn 's early dew . ’
7 Often the battle is lost , and many a seaside town has disappeared beneath the waves ( while others , such as the once-thriving port of Rye in Kent , have been left high and dry as the sea retreated ) .
8 I do n't think any woman , unless an old maid , hankers after emancipation of that sort , which seems to mean that , mounted on her bike , a girl can ride away anywhere and do anything all alone , without either male friend or chaperone , that she can guide and protect herself and be as free and easy as the wind …
9 His lawsuit against Horus , which is narrated in the papyrus , is entertaining and satirical as the gods display very human traits .
10 Only the organist in the conference hall seemed to be properly tuned-in , belting out a rendition of Bewitched , bothered and bewildered as the representatives filed in for their annual law and order debate .
11 For what shines through this ornate and perhaps deliberately misleading surface is a family as lively and tragic as the Knoxes , a sense of grief as private and clear as Penelope Fitzgerald 's .
12 Now , following the rains , the wild Australian bush was as meek and hospitable as the English countryside , with only the incidental reminder of its former ferocity .
13 Indeed , if performance criteria are to be national , if they are to have currency throughout the system , and if they are to be as detailed and specific as the proponents of criterion-referenced testing insist , then this reform presages central intervention in the school curriculum of a most emphatic kind .
14 Unpleasant and smelly as the operation was , she felt a surge of exultation when she cut the thread of the last suture and surveyed her unconscious patient .
15 He was as rigid and unyielding as the rugby-tackling machine at school .
16 In summary , Warwickshire 's batting is usually adequate as long as the bowlers are able to put a squeeze on the opposition .
17 Grom was to prove the exception , a Goblin who was not only as dangerous and ambitious as the best Orc , but vastly bigger as well !
18 Martin Luther King had a vision as personal and private as the sleeping child or the cross-legged meditator , but he turned it outward as a prayer for peace so that it became shared .
19 Although Chapman was by now a famous man , and his name was familiar to thousands who had never attended a football match , on a social level he remained as affable and unassuming as the next man .
20 Instead , in a piece of design as simple and innovative as the original notebook clamshell , GRiD engineers have invented a special hinge that 's enabled them to conceal a proper QWERTY keyboard beneath a machine that looks like a conventional , flat tablet pen computer .
21 Far from it — where other people 's welfare is concerned , or the mechanics of his own achievements , he is as serious and practical as the world out there might require .
22 By contrast , the decision making system in the United States can only be described as ramshackle ; however , rationality and efficiency are not necessarily the first priorities of a democratic political system , especially one as vast and heterogeneous as the United States .
23 HRT is also of benefit for the intermediate symptoms of the menopause , those that do not appear until some time after periods have stopped but which tend to get more noticeable and troublesome as the years go by .
24 Ever since the Marquis of Mantua failed to defeat the French at Fornovo in the 1490s ( a period which must have been almost as barbaric and unpleasant as the 1980s ) , this sunsoaked land has had to endure invasion and rely on the assassin 's knife or the patriot 's bullet to even the score .
25 Generally , Moby seems as playful and excitable as the next puppy , but he occasionally becomes nervous and withdrawn , sometimes even panicky , especially on walks .
26 I 'm as ordinary and self-interested as the next person . ’
27 It 's as bland and unruffled as the one she read last month : There 's no danger to the public , radioactivity levels are inside the permitted safety level , the three workers are perfectly well and undergoing routine tests .
28 Tests are being banned all over the US by the courts and legislatures , something that would make sense if they were as vicious and ineffectual as the press says they are .
29 ‘ The necessary components of love , my darling , are apparently as dark and fathomless as the reasons we 're alive in the first place .
30 Several small huts stood in a roughly circular pattern , as dark and silent as the rest of the countryside .
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