Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adj] to be " in BNC.

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1 Many teachers would like to be more adventurous , creative and experimental than they feel it is possible or safe to be .
2 Was it prestigious or trashy to be a disco diva ?
3 In these cases the clients were often in hospital at referral and were either physically or mentally too frail or ill to be discharged .
4 It 's not wrong or odd to be different , in fact it 's far wiser to think things out for yourself than just to blindly and unthinkingly follow the crowd .
5 Fielding 's novels contain plenty of barbarous squires , who would as soon hunt down a parson as a fox , and whose houses are too muddy and unruly to be in any sense comfortable , much less seats of self-fruition .
6 Other major groups such as Pentos and Sherratt & Hughes & Waterstones , continue to focus on books but are sufficiently commercial and pragmatic to be ready to re-define what is meant by a book in the light of technological developments .
7 Scottish merchants grumbled rather more about the new dispensation ; they were perfectly willing and able to be Europeans , but any outlet for trade would do , and there were complaints — in 1524 , for example — about the Auld Alliance with France , because it affected their opportunities not only in Flanders and Spain , but also in England .
8 ‘ I am too old and stubborn to be making up , ’ he said .
9 Then you must ensure that a single block is n't orphaned and unable to be matched .
10 I do believe fervently that no man is fit to be any man 's master ; that an uncontrolled capacity to amass wealth is thoroughly wrong ; that the class system , particularly in relation to education , needs urgent change ; that it is right and proper and sensible to be an enthusiastic European and that much nonsense is talked about the alleged loss of sovereignty .
11 It is not an easy thing to get rid of a body by dumping it in the sea , except from a boat , Of course it is less of a problem if you have access to a pier or a jetty , but most such places are public and liable to be overlooked , even at night .
12 Mildew is too prevalent and persistent to be wiped out completely , but those three factors are the key to helping our roses to resist it .
13 Would it be right to conclude from his remarks also that in place of the stipulations that exist — which are much too rigid and impractical to be accepted — he would allow the co-ordination of deficits by the market ?
14 It seemed typical of previous British offers : so vague as to be almost meaningless or free to be interpreted in innumerable ways .
15 Julia climbed on board without hesitation , sure of her welcome , relieved and delighted to be with people whom she trusted .
16 This had been ruled out by Truman from the start as far too dangerous and unlikely to be successful in such a vast country , with much of the population hostile .
17 Following the Restoration he was considered sufficiently dangerous and obnoxious to be listed as one of the twenty non-regicides whose property was to be forfeit and who were excluded from office in perpetuity .
18 OUTRAGED AND CONCERNED PARENTS hope to ban Margaret Atwood 's novel , ‘ The Handmaid 's Tale ’ , on the grounds that it is too sexually explicit and anti-Christian to be read by high school seniors .
19 And it might even be said that it is from this , far more than from early Christianity , that we have inherited our sense of the dubious physical nature of the female , and our idea that the human norm is male and that to be female is in itself a pathological state .
20 The people who are seizing and occupying the present time can not belong in my colour , they 're like the bits that leap out of a spinning bowl , too heavy , too separate and distinct to be blended in with the other substances ; red-hot stones , flung out and setting on fire the place where they land .
21 The judge went on to find that not only was the information contained in the manuals and the feasibility study not a trade secret but that the information contained in the feasibility study was too obvious and too vague and unspecific to be caught by any alleged fiduciary duty that the defendants were under .
22 I was only there a few weeks and was so bored and anxious to be gone that I remember very little about the place .
23 Whether we take Lorentz 's view that the masses were bored and ready to be distracted or Macpherson 's notion that they had sensed that the movies were at least hinting at new possibilities , it is difficult to avoid being swept along by the romance of those early days .
24 This unit provided the necessary information which allowed the most effective system of dosage with mepacrine and Paludrine to be established .
25 It is said that they were friendly and ready to be pleased by everything .
26 You do n't have to be rich and famous to be pestered by lunatics .
27 In the liberal view , the historical process is altogether too rich and complex to be reduced to class struggle .
28 Next week I shall take my wife over every inch of this lovely island , which I and my cousin consecrated many years ago , when our destiny seemed assured and likely to be shared .
29 This kind of subject I think is admirable and much to be encouraged .
30 Anyway , it felt weak and wrong to be free and still take the Men 's food .
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