Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adj] may be " in BNC.

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1 It is interesting that this may be the only area in which dependence is almost universally feared and resented .
2 Some of those classified as short-term unemployed may be intermittently unemployed and this may be just as demoralising as a long spell off work .
3 One such structure , the calciosome , was originally thought to be the InsP 3 -sensitive store , but recent studies on Purkinje neurons suggest that these organelles may be heterogeneous as some may be sensitive to ryanodine .
4 Submarine fans have not been found in the Plattendolomit but by analogy with the Z2 Carbonate , it is possible that these may be found in areas where the Z3 Carbonate reaches exceptional thickness .
5 It is possible that this may be a little reduced by budgetary adjustment , ’ he told a gathering of French researchers and administrators on the Cote d'Azur .
6 Please note : reserved seating is only available at the Sir Jack Lyons Concert Hall — all other seats are unreserved although some may be set aside for festival patrons , Friends and sponsors .
7 Once the winding current is established only the low-voltage supply is effective and this may be insufficient to overcome the motional voltage during the remainder of the excitation interval .
8 Words which are meant to be comforting and familiar may be frightening or threatening .
9 This means that if a man is truly brought to faith in Christ , he is not dependent on human teachers to lead him on , helpful though these may be .
10 Many non-insulin-dependent ( Type 2 ) diabetics are overweight and this may be one reason for the high prevalence of hypertension observed in this group .
11 These priorities imply , on the domestic front , the attempt to maintain a continuing powerful role for the state , the economic dominance of a fairly small elite and an indifference to the welfare of rural peasant farmers , complicated as this may be by political loyalties to certain tribal groups .
12 As an alternative to damages , an account of profits may be available and this may be more advantageous to the plaintiff , especially if the defendant has made substantial profit from his use of the information .
13 It is only necessary to compare the living conditions of laborers in nonindustrial areas with those of industrial workers , miserable as these may be in some cases , to be aware of the material benefits of the conversion to machine technology .
14 In other words if there be a moral burden to protest it should be well aimed , and be for proper reasons , difficult though this may be to define .
15 Unlike haemonchosis in sheep , grazing cattle over two years old are relatively immune although this may be broken down by drought conditions which lead to poor nutrition and heavy challenge from congregation of animals around watering points .
16 ‘ Of course you 're suggesting the side lines were n't legitimate and this may be hindsight , but now I look back Mr Hatton did perhaps occasionally have a shady air about him when he talked of them .
17 Any material which is relevant and helpful may be considered , though the weight to be attached to different types of evidence will vary .
18 This means that you should not turn up in casual clothes which express your out-of-work personality , enchanting as that may be , nor should you wear the sort of ‘ best ’ clothes which would make you the star at a party but which are patently unsuitable for day-today working situations .
19 The only way Masefield can make this credible is to present her as a kind of child-bride , a happy innocent ; necessary as this may be to both the theme and the plot of the book , it does not allow her to develop beyond the limits of a type-character .
20 True as that may be , he does n't break stride in saying the new deal on rugby 's doorstep has ‘ created the potential for people like Tim Horan to make a lot of money ’ .
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