Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [verb] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Fecundity is determined by the ovulation rate ; this can also be low where feeding is poor but is also lower in young and old females , and is genetically influenced too — so always try to breed from twins or triplets .
2 Genetically , in the Lakenvelder black is dominant to red , entire colour is dominant to pied and belting is dominant to entire colour .
3 Though the engine was 17 years old and had been used to pulling 40-tonne loads at 60mph , Mr Tomlinson did n't need to touch it .
4 There are many strands to this secret tradition , and one of the most direct and striking is that of witchcraft .
5 As long as you can show that they owed you a legal duty to be careful and have been negligent , damages could come your way .
6 When Pound revised and expanded this to make The ABC of Reading ( the title is still a misnomer ) , he winkled out of it most of the anti-Englishness that had been present in the first version , when Pound was still smarting from what he took to be England 's rejection of him eight years before , in 1920 .
7 Lawrence is scathing about the Status Quos of this world and equally convinced that Felt 's pre-planned demise was a good idea .
8 Painting throughout its history has served many different purposes , has been flat and has used perspective , has been framed and has been left borderless , has been explicit and has been mysterious .
9 They do , however , produce a forum in which all of the questions will be asked , where all who should be listening and responding are present , and where all those involved in the ‘ total child ’ can contribute to an individualized solution .
10 The subsidence which occurs as a result of the mining in any event is very limited and has been able to be taken into account quite adequately on other developments within the Selby District .
11 We have seen that a defendant , to be convicted under section 14 must be proved to have known that the statement was false or to have been reckless as to its falsity .
12 This was so demonstrably unfair that SAVE was able to hit back by seeking leave for judicial review .
13 While in Texas , Ice also paid a $516 fine that had been outstanding since he was convicted of assault in 1988 .
14 The man accused of murdering an Open University lecturer was taken ill and has been absent for most of the second day of his trial .
15 The royal court in Egypt was then one of the most cosmopolitan in the work ; Fawzia was sophisticated and had been accustomed to great luxury and pampering , no least from her doting brother .
16 Believing he was rubbing salt in a wound , Wainfleet nudged the conversation towards the matter of Vanessa and the duke , a story he only half trusted but had been content to print .
17 Oh yes , and Springsteen was okay but had been sick on the stairs .
18 Some parents become confused when staining is due to children not wiping themselves properly and so they may need to teach their children more precisely how to wipe their bottom .
19 If you have been made redundant or have been unemployed for a long time you have two additional problems to overcome .
20 To summarize : if you have been made redundant or have been unemployed for a long period :
21 Well I I would have said on the phone that under normal circumstances if you 're salaried or have been salaried I do n't talk people into this unless they 're a certain age .
22 Well , the id is , does represent the total unconscious that has been repressed .
23 The same cubes , padded and covered are fine for occasional seating .
24 ‘ Come on now , girls , said Denis , leaning over to them , ‘ it 's getting late and pops is tired . ’
25 ‘ Secondly , the post of organiser at the Whyte House , is ACE-funded and has been vacant since December 1992 and all attempts to fill it have proved unsuccessful .
26 Instead of pointing out the errors you may be told that it is very good but have been better in a darker wood !
27 Car , bus and train passengers have to make generous allowances for traffic being heavy or bus/train being late or cancelled .
28 The child who uses goed or comed is guilty of over-generalisation , while in sign the use of repetition to convey occurrence over a long time would be appropriate in WAIT-WAIT-WAIT , meaning ‘ wait for ages ’ but not in KEEP-KEEP-KEEP , where it would probably mean to ‘ keep three ’ things rather than to ‘ keep over time ’ .
29 It 's important that treads are level from front to back ; although a very slight slope forwards of about ⅛″ for a 12″ deep tread , will help to throw off water , especially on wooden steps which are more slippery .
30 Many sentences that are ambiguous when spoken are unambiguous when written . ’
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