Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well strange enough we have a connection with the Dalesman editor
2 is totally different so I did the first lecture with what my idea of to find myself talking to a a contract housing guy whose biggest order was two thousand pounds
3 The first two of those were also included were made public , they are in the issue 's papers it did not make public the county council 's proposal as to who should be participants for each topic since those were matters for the the panel er to ma take a view of and I understood er from er the question er the answer to the question that it had been made clear that er the information had been made public except as always Chairman , er our legal office 's of the council always like that caveat that in case anything had been missed out I had just in fact suggested that perhaps not everything had been made public so I anticipated a possible supplementary question from Mr .
4 Like those alarm systems which are set off when you get too close , Peter could hear the bells ' frenzied ringing , but at first he was n't too clear exactly what posed the threat .
5 ‘ Promises ! ’ she exclaimed on a loving laugh , and thereafter put herself out to be the epitome of all she thought he would most dislike in a woman , shyly calling him darling whenever she had the chance .
6 It can be seen that human sweat is actually hypotonic ie it contains a lower salt concentration than the plasma .
7 Since the ITVA can , however , approve a script and then reject a film on the grounds that it does not conform to the script ( or the letter of the script ) , the agency and the production house have to be very careful how they interpret the outcome of discussions with the ITVA .
8 I think you 've got to be careful how you word the letter on that because what I do n't want you to do is to say yes okay and then find you 're blocked on an industrial tribunal application .
9 There is no top ledge as with the T-cut method to hold the bud in position while you bind it in , so you have to be careful how you handle the bass or the elastic band .
10 ‘ You 'll be very careful how you carry the basket , wo n't you ? ’ she said .
11 It 's funny how you get a picture of someone . ’ ’
12 It 's funny how you know the words .
13 Stage I and Stage II averages are printed separately as it is the Stage II average only which forms the basis for determining the class of honours .
14 ‘ When you come into this department from the outside then you realise the wealth of information inside the government .
15 Is n't it clever how they changed the co costumes , er like that pink
16 eyepiece , it 's painted white so it gives a sh shadow .
17 I mean they do n't put , they do n't , I understand in , in , when you 've got your own business like Brad and them , well our Joe ca n't be hard up he does a job and it brings him thirty grand in
18 I looked out of the window and it was the back garden of Dr Jane 's house , and when Mrs Pitt came up to serve me and I complained Dr Jane laughed , and it was really Dr Jane all the time and the whole place was horrible and dark and dirty and when I got outside to follow my friends the ones who were usually in the dream there were n't any people and we were in a sort of studio and the village and the inn it was so obvious now I felt a fool for going in and sitting down and expecting to be served was the crudest sort of cardboard stage set like a model for a child 's history lesson and the colours were horrible and it smelt of a sort of horrible glue and — —
19 If the tribunal decides that the dismissal was unfair then it has the power to order the employer to give the employee his old job back or to give him another job .
20 According to Jewish Law , if the vineyard became ownerless then it became the property of the tenants .
21 He spun symbols bright as sugar-crystals : the poor , dim brothers who were not human yet who spun the glassy fibres ten times the tensile strength of steel along which optical messages could be sent , for surgeons , for miners ; or incredibly strong strands to link the orbiting colonies .
22 ‘ Well it 's obvious why they want the first two — so they can use it as gas on the Front and turn the whole of Europe into zombies . ’
23 ‘ Is n't it obvious why she points the finger at you ?
24 If we take that ideal seriously there seems no good reason why it should be excluded from an important area of our lives , our relations within and to the workplace .
25 Instead , she was wondering what kind of remedy Kate Adie used whenever she got a head-blocker , and whether she 'd ever had to read over livestock prices to what was probably a total early-morning audience of three men and a dog .
26 So sure enough we let the tyres down sufficiently for it to be roadworthy and not to destroy the tyres on the way there , but soft enough just so that it would go down , and we edged it through and Roy got it through the middle and off we went .
27 Sure enough they charge the dragon and have no trouble decapitating it , time after time .
28 The moment that red ball began to flatten , she sat on a rock and strained to see along the flat road , along the plain leading to Siena , and sure enough she saw a black dot which grew larger and became a single horse and then she stood up and began to run towards it , waving and shouting .
29 Sure enough he won the lead , drifted up the HVS crux and vouched it a classic .
30 There was a stall in front , but because of the inclement weather this was now bare so they opened the door and went inside .
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