Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [vb -s] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Oh dear me does this tape recorder understand Essex girls ?
2 ‘ Well , if it 's sexual she has less discrimination than I gave her credit for . ’
3 ‘ I 'm afraid it looks that way .
4 She took it very well , I am sure she understands that security is paramount . ’
5 The systematic alteration in decisions between each period and the succeeding one renders each opportunity offered to the market more competitive than that offered in the preceding period that is , it is offered with fuller awareness of the other opportunities being made available , against which it is necessary to compete .
6 The old practical experience is still the best advice : leave a good clear inch ( 2.5cm ) or more between bud and soil when planting , and make quite sure it stays that way , especially when mulching later .
7 We must make sure it stays that way , " says Dr Simon Lyster , WWF 's Senior Conservation Officer .
8 ‘ Make sure he does some homework today . ’
9 No army corps commander can ever be sure he has enough authority over his units to contemplate a coup .
10 And the least I can do is make sure he has some peace and quiet while he can , poor little scrap , she thought .
11 I 'm sure he makes some sort of reaction I ca n't see .
12 It is the same ball game and , and as far as I , as far as I 'm concerned it makes more sense
13 From the point of view of the buyer , general exclusion clauses are obviously less popular , and , in general he sees little need for them to protect his own position .
14 And that 's those dimples are the bottom are on the bottom bit of your spine so if the dimples are n't level it means that bit of your back is slightly
15 In particular it monitors each firm 's conduct and capital adequacy .
16 It 's not surprising nobody has any respect for it .
17 stuff , I said he swept the hall , I said look how nice it looks this morning , I said and he did all the toilets and everything else
18 After this comes the composer 's 1914 arrangement of an organ piece , the Introduction and Passacaglia in D minor which illustrates another side of Reger 's creative outlook , namely his interest in extending the neo-Baroque traditions of Romantic style .
19 erm it 's very difficult to spot what 's going to go wrong in advance and some of the things you suspect are dodgy nobody has any trouble with , some of the things that you just did n't occur to you that would go wrong do go wrong , it 's like , mm mm , yeah mm
20 The exercise should be " aerobic " , that is to say using much movement but little strength , as opposed to isometric which uses much strength and little movement .
21 The concept of the rural sector being exploited by the urban one retains some potency in such a centralized nation as Japan , and rural resentment at some of the decisions of Japan 's urban-oriented rulers is widespread .
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