Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] [verb] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Oh dear me does this tape recorder understand Essex girls ?
2 That 's right I mean this card is carried with them and looked at all every every basically everybody will look at that erm because the good quality
3 Then the mesh , she told Sally the next time she saw her , I 'm sorry I made that mistake about you having a sister she said to Sally , I 've written to tell mother you 've said you have n't one she must of been mistaken what your mother said .
4 Actually I was so anxious to have him that I would have said anything — but I did put my marriage first , I made that choice , and although it meant I had many , many years of frustration as an actress , I 'm not sorry I made that choice .
5 I well remember going as a new convert into a Baptist church for the first time : how strange I found that row of five deacons ' chairs which dominated the scene , and even stranger the little cups for communion .
6 Although it was Church who originally proposed the use of ‘ pinches ’ and ‘ scoops ’ for measuring out the components of salt-sugar solutions for the purpose of oral rehydration , it was BRAC which adapted this method for use by the people of Bangladesh .
7 Her eyes appraised him and her thin fingers were spread towards him fan-wise , it was clear she expected some money .
8 ‘ Well , if it 's sexual she has less discrimination than I gave her credit for . ’
9 It was doubtful she carried much money , but even so , could he possibly ignore a lady needing assistance ?
10 The moment these responses become manifest they control each other ’ ( Benjamin 1973b : 236 ) .
11 I did n't say anything , though the way he had said it made it clear he expected some comment .
12 ‘ I 'm afraid it looks that way .
13 yeah that shop 's highly delighted I love those wedding ones coming out that church
14 After catching on a short pole and rod and line I was quite happy with the venue but was still convinced I needed another practice session — time was running out and the only day available was the one after the Division 1 National .
15 But when she was very sad she understood that sorrow casts out fear , and then the murderer could call with a few of his friends and she would tell them wearily to bugger off and they would go , since , after all , there can be no satisfaction in murdering the dead .
16 We think it 's sad they brought this case after the police declined to prosecute , and based it on evidence provided by an anti-hunt political pressure group
17 Even a courtier admitted that although he was tactful and judicious he possessed less character , less resolution and less intelligence than his father .
18 three of them come out , now what happens if there are Right you fire this snooker ball into one uranium nucleus , it splits off and then three snooker balls come flying out and there 's more uranium about what 's gon na happen ?
19 What you got ta do is , each card , if you they ar the person in front of you asks the co the question and if you get it right you get that card and each card has got a letter on it and you got ta try and make up sex maniac .
20 Sorry you feel that way about it , Mark .
21 Sorry you want some paper does anybody else want some paper
22 Constable Alan Jeffreys , who works in the Community Involvement Department , said : ‘ He has met as many people in as many cities as possible who have some involvement in public safety .
23 WE are trying to contact as many pregnant women as possible who have this condition to see if they will help by taking part .
24 After seeing Bali 's multitude of vistas , from dramatic mountains and dense jungles to volcanoes , rice terraces tripping down hillsides and long golden beaches — all in an area 85 miles long and 50 miles wide — I was glad I answered this island 's call .
25 I be lucky I get any bloke fer more'n two monfs togewer like my ol' lady I suppose an' if I get a bloke 'e 'll be aht a' work or 'e 'll set me ter the bleed'n game like 'er I would n't be surprised but if you reely want ter now jus ' fer now for this minute I wanner enjoy it .
26 Still there you are , glad somebody making some profit , just shows what we do buy , do n't we ?
27 For in fact I , as I said I 'm glad you made that point , it does press upon the er people in Bedford yesterday , in as not as well as that , that there 's , there 's point in that er , there was some
28 I 'm so glad you had this conversation with me while I 've been miked up and I 've got it all taped .
29 ‘ I 'm glad you feel that way — ’ she began huskily , hoping to build on mutual ground .
30 No problem Mr Prospect , I 'm glad you feel that way however I am seeing you in a fortnight 's time , have a chat with him between then and now and when I see you next week I 'll ta or whenever the time 'll be , I 'll take his telephone number from you then .
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