Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] it [be] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The latter 's favourite hunting box was Knepp Castle near West Grinstead ; so fond of it was he that he eventually seized it from William de Braose , an action hardly guaranteed to increase baronial support ; when the French invaded England in 1216 to support the barons against John , it was Sussex which bore the brunt .
2 You 're not happy with it are you ?
3 You 're not happy with it are you really ?
4 But he 's got ta try it on and make sure it 's not , if it 's all tight he ai n't gon na be happy in it is he ?
5 Like , er the I R A , they 're mucking about with it , but it 's us they usually fucking like it 's it 's not just because of promises either , you know , not generally .
6 So It 's a nice enough little house but I 'm not awfully keen on it are you ?
7 He says this one comes from Brazil , South America and the flowers are not immediately remarkable , but what 's special out it is it has the most wonderful smell of red wine — actually it perhaps smells of red wine that 's been in the carpet overnight rather than Chateau Lafitte .
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