Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] the [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 He 's not afraid of the dead of night ,
2 The majority of staff who responded to the questionnaire were supportive of the new-style of advanced courses .
3 Very similar to the AUGHISKY of Ireland , it is treacherous to its rider , carrying a victim into the water to be devoured .
4 The immature Greenland whitefront , for instance , is accidentally confused with the immature of the European subspecies .
5 Suburban roads were alive with the squish of chamois leather .
6 ‘ Hot-to-Trotsky ? ’ she asks , looking after Clare , still heading , thinly majestic in the thick of the crowd , for the ladies .
7 Labour 's promises of a better life depended absolutely and solely on the further success of the global economy further to enrich the people of Britain by means of the same flow of wealth from the poor to the rich of the world .
8 Notable among these is the editio princeps of the Liber Physionomiae of Sir Michael Scott , the thirteenth-century Scottish philosopher and reputed wizard made more famous by the Lay of the Last Minstrel .
9 Heather Calzini spent thousands of pounds looking for Milliegrey , worth around £60,000 and pregnant when she was taken from her stable in the dead of night .
10 In an attempt to learn as much as possible from the capsize of the Herald of Free Enterprise the Treasury Solicitor has asked questions which should help to prevent a similar disaster ever recurring .
11 The molluscs were ultimately derived from a soft-bodied creature somewhat like the living flatworms , but the acquisition of hard parts happened very early on , low in the Cambrian of before , and by the Ordovician the important living classes were well established .
12 Even when the need in her grew strong in the dead of night and she lay dose to his slack body , caressing him and urging him , he was never able to fulfil the need in her .
13 But most of last month 's suggested fish will be happy in the mid-range of most people 's normal tap water .
14 The attenuation is , in fact , proportional to the reciprocal of assuming that this is large compared to 1 , hence the higher the switching rate the smaller the filter components may be .
15 There is the objection , however , whatever else is to be said , that the third statement fails to follow from the first two only because of an ambiguity — and more precisely because the consequent of the first conditional is in fact not identical with the antecedent of the second .
16 Its berries glistened red under the burnish of the breeze , which came in uneasy gusts from the south and east .
17 He , who had been so close to the innermost of inner circles since succeeding Hankey in 1938 , was receiving only fragmentary details of the inner Cabinet 's war-planning , despite having to advise the Chancellor on the financial implications .
18 Localization of the tale in the eastern Midlands is suggested by the reference to the husband being absent at the fair of Boston , in southern Lincolnshire , and it is also the case that the poem was composed in the East Midland dialect .
19 I am well aware of the aware of the high standards that the Medau Society sets itself .
20 Furthermore , in February 1711 , as part of a general move to increase revenue , it was decided to sell the " Commons and Waste Grounds " of Stockport , sufficient to yield about £60 a year ; of this , one sixth was to be paid to the Mayor towards defrayment of the costs of his office , and another sixth to the Schoolmaster , while the remaining two thirds were devoted to the poor of the town .
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