Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] new [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 Seeking high and low for new rewards and new ways forward .
2 It 's not that Shatov is somehow proved right and Mrs Virginsky wrong about new life and ( by implication ) God , but that the most natural hope begins to stir in the merely legal father 's heart ; so it would be pompous and artificial to go on talking about futurity , this is the future in the mind 's eye of one rejoicing man : shared , beautiful , fragile ; and the whole novel seems braced to tear itself free of the devils possessing it :
3 ‘ People like to do something different for New Year and this year is no different , ’ said a spokesman .
4 Tell Kate not to give way to despondency , perhaps she should drop it for a while and come back to it fresh with new ideas and enthusiasm .
5 I , for one , am not sure if I am in favour of remote boats , it may just be me getting older and , therefore , less responsive to new ideas and gadgets .
6 And whatever the reasons for considering a residency , there is little point in merely setting up your studio somewhere else and carrying on with your work oblivious to new surroundings and fresh inspiration .
7 In the meantime , the miners represented hope for all of them , but within the giddy cycle of excitements they were all edgy with new fears and old illusions .
8 ‘ Haul And Pull ’ , the first single , is a fine piece of ragga in its LP version but becomes a rabid hip-hop monster in the Bobby Konders remix , complete with new words and a sneering woodwind sample .
9 He and his colleagues were well aware of the more rapid progress in America , and there were regular transatlantic visits by headquarters engineers , but only when they were quite sure of new techniques and had discussed them thoroughly with the British manufacturers were they prepared to make a move .
10 It sounds great with new strings and it records brilliantly : I get the real bassy sound from the amp and use the treble from the desk .
11 US distributor , Ingram Micro Inc , has paid up its membership fees and joined Unix International : UI is hungry for new distributors and ISVs to follow suit .
12 I have a strong feeling that in all our communities our worship falls a long way short of New Testament and patristic practice .
13 Many of the capital 's teams are full of New Zealanders and Australians .
14 It is easy , with the credit now being offered , to get a house full of new furniture and a washing machine on HP , but this can lead to financial bondage .
15 I mean , I 've got an album full of new music and I 've got to be very careful .
16 I found being introduced to people individually , as they arrived , much easier than going into a room full of new babies and it was good to share experiences .
17 The two other newly appointed Principals were Geoffrey Wilkinson and Peter Bardon — both full of new ideas and enthusiasm .
18 The point of preparation is to be well tuned and at the same time flexible to new interpretations and ideas .
19 He was always waiting , very receptive to new ideas and so he did like people and organizations to present their views and he did like to hear discussion .
20 If I remind you that you are a person who is aware , receptive to new ideas and willing to give them a try , then my suggestion that you buy Ecover is likely to be well received .
21 Money is available for new players and he has a free hand to change the backroom staff .
22 Money is available for new players and he has a free hand to change the backroom staff .
23 Thus it is likely that no more than 1 or 2 per cent of the total budget would really be available for new projects and plans — and even that only if pupil numbers were retained and no other emergencies developed in any particular year .
24 Ever-changing regulations cause stress both because of the need to become familiar with new rules and because of the sensitivity needed to cope with clients who may be worse off after the changes .
25 However , car buyers should be aware that all kinds of discounts are available on new cars and that an interest-free loan for 75 per cent for two years might still work out more expensive than borrowing elsewhere and getting a large cash discount on the purchase price .
26 Assuming the UK fiscal régime remains benevolent to new production and the 90 new fields necessary are brought on stream in time , then the UK will still have a net self-sufficiency in oil by the year 2000 .
27 And so quite a big job has been cutting reeds back around the islands and the banks , and also we 've had what they call blooms of blanketweed , not so much recently but , apparently it 's more common with new ponds and I had a tremendous bloom of blanketweed the first year after I made it .
28 Two colourful and strictly unstuffy periodicals , Books for your children ( published three times a year ) and Books for keeps ( the magazine of the School Bookshop Association , published six times a year ) , are designed to help to keep parents up-to-date with new books and current opinions on older ones .
29 I saw that you must not only address the real needs of people but need to be genuinely open to new approaches and styles of work if you are ever going to make the rhetoric of involving communities in the planning and assessment of programmes a reality , or ensure active participation in health sector organizations .
30 In this context it was interesting to observe that the school which imposed a more summative , norm-referenced , approach to assessment on its staff , was also the one in which the least amount of innovation appeared to be taking place in this area , whereas the school with the most formative approach to assessment and reporting appeared to be more open to new ideas and methods .
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