Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [Wh det] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Oh yes , the , the service that the retain people give is unbelievable for what they get paid for , it 's , it 's pennies really for that service .
2 In 1948 an austerity NHS was born in an austerity Britain and people were grateful for what they received .
3 Those present — the press at previews and the public at the major European motor shows — could n't have been less prepared for what they saw .
4 But even if political authorities were clear about what they expected from public enterprises , political control would remain problematic .
5 The Ramblers are clear about what they want done .
6 A few areas where people have just got to make sure that they do things , people are mostly clear about what they have to do , erm they seem very , very positive .
7 His Windies team come face-to-face with Javed Miandad 's side in a Test series in the Caribbean this winter , and Richardson added : ‘ They will have to be very careful about what they do with the ball .
8 Market research has shown us that people are far more health conscious and far more sensible about what they drink .
9 At the same time , even the most highly-educated ‘ modern ’ entrepreneurs were acutely resentful of what they regarded as the disdain for business prevalent among the professional intelligentsia and ‘ enlightened public opinion ’ .
10 Yeah it does , you see if Ken and Freda or anybody knew they were being televised they 'd be careful of what they said
11 Everybody did n't have Orcadian like what they have now .
12 become exasperated with what they regard as inefficiency
13 In most cases , the environments , climates and conditions they encountered must have been very different from what they had known in Ayrshire .
14 in the end she took the children home with her , erm it was so different from what they 'd been used to in those erm
15 In general , what people find most stimulating and most attractive is a bit different but not too different from what they know already .
16 Considered in isolation , it may lead us to tell people only what they want to hear , which may be very different from what they need to hear .
17 The key assumption here remains , of course , that the identity of an ontological existent , or , more accurately , its ontological individuality , depends upon all of this existent 's properties , and hence that if any of them were different from what they happen to be , the existent itself would be different .
18 A substance is necessarily such that all its properties are " essential " properties , in the sense that they all together define its " nature " , and if any of them were missing or were different from what they happen to be , the substance itself would be different .
19 People often , in communicating with one another , say something slightly different from what they intended to say , and the other person will make allowances , using the context .
20 People live in tents , and customs are so different from what they have been used to , that I really wonder how they reconcile themselves to their new mode of life .
21 ‘ They scatter orders and decrees right and left , but the result is quite different from what they want ’ .
22 That is everyone clear in what they have to do ?
23 We , the organisers of the march , would be interested in what they had to say .
24 ‘ I used to just swot up on learning the key words and churning them out computer fashion , but now I am more interested in what they mean .
25 The media are obviously hard up for stories because they seem interested in what they refer to as our overcrowding problems here .
26 We are not interested in them as such ( they are outside the boundary of the investigation ) , but we are interested in what they give .
27 And the adults with whom they interact must continue to be interested in what they have to say , more concerned to answer questions and to sustain and extend their interests than to tell them what the adults think they ought to know and then to check that they can remember what they were told ( Wood , 1983 ) .
28 This , showing that he is interested in what they have said unlike Banquo who treats it as a joke .
29 Be interested in what they do and what they are interested in .
30 " I 'm not Interested in what they think . "
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