Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [art] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Rune 's tone was casual , but there was nothing lazy about the way he leaned across the table towards her .
2 Not surprisingly , Ken was apprehensive about the position I might inherit when I touched down .
3 The twelve-strong RAF team plans to bring back twenty wounded for the treatment they desperately need .
4 Bingham must get it right for a match I feel we can get a 0–0 draw or a 1–0 win out of — yes , I 'm serious !
5 Roget gives , in one paragraph , words and phrases that are closely related to a word or a phrase that came into your mind but is not quite right for the sense you are trying to convey .
6 Her mouth she kept a pale peach , knowing that a stronger colour lipstick would n't be right for the effect she wanted to create .
7 Come on , if they 're asleep during the day they ought to be woken up .
8 Changeable as the weather I 'd say .
9 Adam had been right about the contacts she could make , but her mind was no longer in tune with business this evening .
10 This helps you to know as much as possible about the targets you are trying to reach .
11 If you are a sales person , one of the important parts of the job is to know as much as possible about the people you are selling to .
12 And he was incredibly supportive during the year I was struggling to get this record released — more of a help than most of my friends . ’
13 Zaidie 's deposition , it should be added , contained a statement that about 20 or 21 December 1986 , on Zaidie 's return from his honeymoon in Miami , the defendant had telephoned him and had said he was sorry for the threats he had made against the lives of Zaidie and Paulette .
14 Sorry for the way I behaved , for the way that we parted ? ’
15 And I 'm sorry for the way she treated you . ’
16 If you could go to her , genuinely sorry for the hurt you had caused her and knowing that you had come to terms with your conflict about the difference in your ages , then maybe she might be willing to consider starting again .
17 I do n't know wen I 'll see you agen , but I 'm sorry for the things I did , and I 'm ashamd .
18 I felt sorry for the gypsies you know in Cross Street
19 ‘ I want to say sorry for the mistake I made .
20 ‘ I felt so sorry for the council I almost sent THEM a fiver . ’
21 ‘ I 'm not saying I did n't lift my arm and I 'm sorry for the embarrassment it has brought on the club and our supporters .
22 I know this is tough on you — I 'm sorry for the pressure you 're going to be under , you poor old thing .
23 The Business Location Service is extremely grateful for the support it has been given and looks forward to even greater success with its partners in the year ahead .
24 So although those carers in the action sample were grateful for the help they received from the Home Support Project ( and almost without exception carers throughout the action samples expressed the same sentiment ) , there is scant evidence that it contributed to allaying feelings of strain .
25 A large number of disabled people take part in the Telethon and are grateful for the help they get from the telethon .
26 He spent a week there and is grateful for the help he was given .
27 After the events of the night she met his gaze self-consciously , grateful for the excuse he had given her to drop her eyes .
28 Erm that 's putting it bluntly because erm obviously being a volunteer is a sort of two way thing , we could n't run without volunteers , we 're very grateful for the ones we 've got but So it 's clearly a matter of whether you decide and whether you like the way we like to run things or or not .
29 Now I think what erm and my feelings on this er are very much er similar to Mr Donson 's and I 'm grateful for the calculation he has done for us all .
30 ‘ We are very grateful for the donations we receive from charitable organisations like BLISS , but in the last two to three years there has been an additional £800,000 investment in special baby care units from Mersey region . ’
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