Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , care should be taken that they do not lose their exceptional hardiness and thriftiness in pursuit of greater yields , and also that they do not become extinct through being crossed with Friesians .
2 I ought therefore to be grateful for being disorientated by the unfamiliar and the chance to focus the innocent eye .
3 Ivy was pleased : ‘ I am grateful for being brought before the public , ’ she wrote .
4 Industry has only just been restored to normal after being reduced to a three-day working week .
5 Scottish scallops , worth about £7,000 and due for export to Spain , have been buried alive after being found to be contaminated with heavy metals .
6 ‘ It is a miracle they are still alive after being thrown into the air , ’ he said .
7 RIO DE JANEIRO ( AP ) — Luis Sales , head of a Brazilian advertising agency , was freed unharmed after being held by kidnappers for two months .
8 It was flawless , completely unbruised for being held in that strong , long-fingered hand .
9 True beliefs are n't generally better than false ones in any moral sense : there is usually nothing morally wrong about being mistaken in one 's beliefs about matters of fact .
10 Two survivors — both women — were cut free after being trapped for 20 minutes in the wreckage .
11 Denis Smith ejoyed great success with York and Sunderland … he 's got a lot of experience and is bound to be interested after being sacked from Bristol City …
12 Denis Smith ejoyed great success with York and Sunderland … he 's got a lot of experience and is bound to be interested after being sacked from Bristol City …
13 ALEC Stewart made light of being struck on the head by a stone during yesterday 's one-day international defeat at Gwalior .
14 ALEC Stewart made light of being struck on the head by a stone during yesterday 's one-day international defeat at Gwalior .
15 On the smaller Indonesian islands , where people are afraid of being killed by wild pigs , they have prefixed the names of biting flies and stinging plants with babi , meaning pig .
16 I was afraid of being suspected of the murder , I suppose . ’
17 They are addressed as individuals and families and , furthermore , as frightened individuals and families , afraid of being crushed by , say , a socialist bureaucracy or large masses of immigrants .
18 The detached , amused part of Phoebe sometimes thought that her main feeling at these parties was a wish that she , and everyone else too , would dare to improve the quality of the wine , but they were all too self-consciously afraid of being mistaken for Yuppies , despite the fact they were mostly a little too old and slightly too poor .
19 Astronomers at JTL , afraid of being scooped by the amateurs , put out a press release claiming IRAS discovered it first — but they failed to mention the British team that found it for them .
20 Yes , but I was quite happy to feel like that , precisely because I was afraid of being influenced by my roots .
21 For six years Rita has lived the knife-edge existence of an illegal immigrant : invisible to the social services and institutions that citizens and landed immigrants can count on ; and constantly afraid of being discovered by immigration officials and deported .
22 They hurried across the plateau , afraid of being caught on the forest path after dark , glad that the wind was behind them , billowing out their skirts and propelling them forward on legs that ran involuntarily .
23 So Ray then found himself in the position of spending a good many of his working hours enforcing a law which he was breaking himself and increasingly afraid of being arrested by one of his mates .
24 For example , if you are economically dependent upon your partner , or afraid of being left for someone else , then safer sex will be more difficult for you to raise .
25 Lots of girls married in haste and repented at leisure then because they were afraid of being left on the shelf .
26 One practical reason for the literal rule is that judges are now deeply afraid of being accused of making political judgments at variance with the purpose of Parliament when it passed the Act .
27 If a work is bigger than a man , he wrote , it can mean either that it is trying to surpass man or that it is not afraid of being looked at .
28 ‘ What 's wrong with being regarded as my girl ? ’
29 For a start Grimes is peculiar in being derived from a poem , or a set of poems
30 Often a lot of necessary information about characters or plot has been established in previous episodes or the language items you 're interested in are lost in a flow of language your students could n't cope with .
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