Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [be] [vb pp] by " in BNC.

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1 I ought therefore to be grateful for being disorientated by the unfamiliar and the chance to focus the innocent eye .
2 RIO DE JANEIRO ( AP ) — Luis Sales , head of a Brazilian advertising agency , was freed unharmed after being held by kidnappers for two months .
3 On the smaller Indonesian islands , where people are afraid of being killed by wild pigs , they have prefixed the names of biting flies and stinging plants with babi , meaning pig .
4 They are addressed as individuals and families and , furthermore , as frightened individuals and families , afraid of being crushed by , say , a socialist bureaucracy or large masses of immigrants .
5 Astronomers at JTL , afraid of being scooped by the amateurs , put out a press release claiming IRAS discovered it first — but they failed to mention the British team that found it for them .
6 Yes , but I was quite happy to feel like that , precisely because I was afraid of being influenced by my roots .
7 For six years Rita has lived the knife-edge existence of an illegal immigrant : invisible to the social services and institutions that citizens and landed immigrants can count on ; and constantly afraid of being discovered by immigration officials and deported .
8 So Ray then found himself in the position of spending a good many of his working hours enforcing a law which he was breaking himself and increasingly afraid of being arrested by one of his mates .
9 But the fact that part of de Gaulle 's prediction seems , more than two decades later , to have been borne out by events is only a partial defence of his policies — unless one subscribes to the view of his critics that he was more interested in being vindicated by posterity than in achieving results in his lifetime .
10 The type they were most interested in was exemplified by persons scoring highly on each of the scales , which they called the " Authoritarian Personality " .
11 These steps into new territory were too big and too risky to be undertaken by individual merchants .
12 For a start , opponents he had skinned last season were wiser men second time around and less prone to be dismantled by the quickest feet in the Premier League .
13 The Unemployment Act 1934 introduced a national assistance scheme for the unemployed to be managed by the Unemployment Assistance Board under the direction of the Minister of Labour under which allowances became payable to assist unemployed persons .
14 BE prepared to be dazzled by the Pale Saints when they play in the North-East next week .
15 However , she was not prepared to be led by the nose to the altar .
16 The British people are not prepared to be conned by the bogus political asylum seeker .
17 At parents ' meetings they must be prepared to be blamed by mothers and fathers with unrealistic expectations of their , the teachers ' , and the children 's abilities .
18 The casual labour problem was too sizeable to be solved by these means and it was unsuited to the temporary needs of unemployed skilled men .
19 early adopters — the next 13.5% ; these people are critical in the process , since they tend to be influential , and are the people willing to be influenced by external information ( such as advertising ) .
20 It is particularly important , especially with non UK resident corporations that the onerous requirements of the Code are understood and that they indicate in writing and by their actions that they are willing to be bound by them .
21 Not all of the ‘ helpable ’ were willing to be helped by such means .
22 She was willing to be used by him and the outrageous request received the obedient , ‘ Let it be to me according to your word ’ ( Luke 1.38 ) .
23 It left her free to be moved by the whole range of feeling , which was fragmented by personal action : the enmeshed lovers , the pleasure of the children , the beauty of her daughter , the fondling of the gentle night air , the great sky deepening gradually but surely , as it was being veiled in film on film of darker blues and velvets , it was all for her .
24 The National Trust protects over half a million acres of countryside , mountains and lakes , farms and woods , and over 500 miles of coastline , nearly all of which is free to be enjoyed by everyone , to walk , sail , climb , picnic , or just simply relax .
25 The pluralist forces within both the Western and the third-world Church are simply too strong and too lively to be tamed by a papacy with really quite limited weapons at its command .
26 My understanding is that he will try to find half-a-dozen wood processing / wood craft companies whose adverts would feature within the eight pages of editorial to be supplied by COED CYMRU .
27 It would be inconvenient to be spotted by Lee , and he was in no mood for smalltalk with anyone else .
28 But the bass is figured and Schein obligingly points out alternative methods of performance : two tenors or soprano and tenor instead of the sopranos ; bass to be played by trombone , bassoon , or violone ; soprano II to be replaced by violin or flute ; or simply soprano solo with continuo — by which expedient the German solo song with continuo was born almost by accident .
29 ‘ But it is n't interesting to be courted by someone you know . ’
30 Ontario 's Attorney-General , Roy McMurtry , says he stands by the CDC report and Digoxin expert , Alois Hastreiter of the University of Illinois says post-mortem levels found in some of the patients were ‘ far too high to be explained by any naturally occurring substance ’ .
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