Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [adv] having [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Many passengers will be grateful for not having to stop in the vicinity longer than necessary and residents will be grateful for others not wanting to .
2 Charles felt guilty for not having recognised the seriousness of the actor 's state .
3 He was a Southerner and a devout Catholic , like Moro himself , and I think he felt guilty for not having made more of the best chance anyone had so far had to rescue his hero .
4 She felt suddenly , hopelessly guilty for not having found out all about Mrs Denham before arriving .
5 I , too , felt guilty for never having known poverty .
6 One feels guilty about not having understood better what was going on .
7 We get out of the car , stomp round to the wheel , look at it , kick it , swear , look at our watch , feel guilty about not having left enough time to cope with the unexpected , open the boot , bang our head on it , swear again , wonder whether it would n't be better to walk to the phone , decide to change the wheel ourselves , lose one of the nuts and eventually arrive at the meeting half an hour late in a filthy temper , and take up the next five minutes explaining that it must have been a sharp chipping off one of those construction lorries and they overload them to save money and they ought to do something about it …
8 Afterwards , Hoddle was relieved at not having to hang his boots up .
9 ‘ No , Mister Tom , ’ said Willie , feeling deeply relieved at not having to pretend any more .
10 Now a lot of people when that was first mentioned said ‘ I do n't need that , it 's all right you can look at them if you want to ’ , but afterwards , half-way through their course , they wanted to know that they were theirs and other people would n't see them and have this reassurance that if they wanted to watch it and then wipe it blank , or if they wanted to wipe it blank without ever having seen it themselves , they could do that and no-one was going to ask ‘ What 's going on ? ’ .
11 A well-known tortoise , named Jonathan , lives in the governor 's garden on St Helena Island and was once famous for allegedly having seen the exiled Napoleon there .
12 After 1714 the balance shifted to a point where the King and the Commons had something like mutual vetoes : the King chose the ministers and could normally be sure of not having to put up with a minister he disliked , but the Commons could reject a minister they disliked by refusing to vote for the taxes he proposed , thus pushing the King into dismissing him .
13 Even my father was n't too pleased about continually having to clean his porch roof , which our residents had covered in droppings and other nest debris .
14 These three patients were notable for not having undergone a sphincterotomy before the insertion of the endoprosthesis .
15 But the mother then feels guilty at not having wanted the baby , and compensates by spoiling .
16 In many ways they differ , these two Americas , but they are alike in never having known defeat .
17 Poor Mervyn , she knew that she ought to feel sorry for him , living with his disagreeable old mother — at least , this was how she appeared in Ianthe 's imagination — disappointed at not having got a job in one of the University libraries , unable to find staff accurate enough to appreciate the niceties of setting out a bibliographical entry correctly , with it seemed few friends of either sex , unable to eat restaurant food — really , the list seemed endless when one thought about it .
18 I have n't although a lot of people would say I was silly for not having done .
19 ‘ I am not aware of ever having lost my patience , ’ said Ann .
20 Alan what I I do n't know the answer to what you 're proposing I really do n't know the answer and er I mean I can only go on the , my , my experiences and my experiences are I 've never ever consciously or not aware of ever having bought any as a result of
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