Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [pron] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 " I would think that to follow your thought in this instance is only possible for one to whom the message of Tristan , in particular , has been revealed . "
2 Because Sandy was embarked on a marriage and a career pointing him in a more conventional direction than mine , planning the sort of life that looked to me to have more obviously evolved from the background I 'd put behind me , it did n't seem to me that he would have had the wherewithal — ‘ morally ’ , as I would have been quick to say then — to help me through my predicament or , if he did , that it was possible for me with my values , to solicit his assistance .
3 He told me that the way I felt was quite normal for someone in my situation ’
4 This is very revealing for us in its underlying implications .
5 At least , you 're touchy about everything with me . ’
6 The film is the story of decadent British aristocrats who did not give a damn for anything but their own pleasure .
7 I took it to a couple of shops who just were n't interested and then to Macaris who seemed to be interested in buying it but who were being a bit funny about it to me .
8 She always paints well , but her colour is sickly in many instances here , and her choice of subjects not attractive ; to say the least , there was something decidedly unpleasant about them to me , they seemed clinical .
9 And Adam would have what was proper for someone of his age and standing in the world , a terraced cottage in North Finchley or maybe Crouch End , the first rung on the slow ladder of upward mobility .
10 She turned , heart pounding , head spinning with the unjustness of his whole attitude , and marched back towards the house , oblivious of everything except her need to get away from that detestable man .
11 I sat staring at the empty screen for a long time , oblivious of everything around me , including Frejji 's cursing as she struggled with interfield links .
12 " I really am fond of him despite his … despite everything . "
13 She had a young brother , Kevin , who was fond of her in his quiet way .
14 Nothing was ever wrong with her in our day .
15 There must have been something wrong with him in his head .
16 as if the police , or anyone else , will think there must be something wrong with them for them to have got such letters in the first place . ’
17 He dwells in a high tower looking down on the metropolis and can often be seen flying high above it on his War Griffon Stormwing .
18 I think you 've got a little bit careful with lots of our jobs which have got
19 He was different with her from everyone else — gentler , softer , more like the old Edouard .
20 Two blocks away from the house of her childhood it suddenly occurred to her that her mother might have left , that there might be strangers in the hallway , a different set of curtains hanging at the windows ; her father 's study might have been turned into a playroom for a new generation of North Oxford children , so different from herself in her prim Clark 's T-bar sandals that she would not be able to recognise her own infancy in theirs .
21 He was a small bright-eyed , balding , active man , interested in everything around him .
22 In the end , he adopted the role of ‘ cockney writer ’ , a role which was genuine , and which showed the boys that Corrigan was interested in them for themselves .
23 The story is not interested in her for herself .
24 ‘ You have to remember they may be interested in something about us that we do n't know about yet .
25 ‘ Do you really think Luke would be interested in someone like you ?
26 because of the look of it , when in fact that 's only part of it it depends whether he 's gon na be motivated there , they mo it 's not gon na need much motivation but if people are interested in you for what you are like , like they have been , yeah , and he 's experienced all , he 's been somebody special there has n't he ?
27 Essentially I use paint as a vehicle for my ideas and I 'm not interested in it for its own sake .
28 and Ian Botham is very popular in my in my place where I am
29 Plans and drawings or maps can be stored in neat rolls in large baskets or drums or laid flat in thin drawers set into a wall of storage ; these can look interesting in themselves with their severe and narrow horizontal lines .
30 As you live in his righteousness and holiness , by his spirit and presence within you , so you That 's us. may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming .
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