Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [adj] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His Essay was clearly incompatible with this story ; and for man , the animal we are all most interested in , his account was very different from that in Genesis .
2 The landscape in this area of south-east Cambridgeshire and north-east Hertfordshire is certainly very different from that in Fig 7 only a few miles to the south-east ; until the nineteenth century it was a land of open fields .
3 The nature and quality of the defendant 's conduct are therefore factors of great importance , and although the decisional process is different from that in negligence , the result is almost always the same .
4 The kind of criticism that is appropriate in the performing arts is quite different from that in technology , which again differs from the nature of criticism in philosophy .
5 The growth indices at the ulcer margin in rats treated with sucralfate alone were , however , not significantly different from those in vehicle treated animals indicating that endogenous growth factors such as EGF and TGF a released locally from the injured mucosa may be sufficient to drive the cell proliferation at the ulcer margin .
6 And the balance of early modern attitudes to the old looks a good deal less favourable when we realize that the terms of chronological age used then were quite different from those in use today .
7 The processes by which these organisations purchase the goods and services they need are radically different from those in consumer markets .
8 What precise statistical procedure can be applied to test whether the coefficients and explanatory power of equation ( 3.19 ) , the unrestricted model , are significantly different from those in equation ( 3.20 ) , the restricted model ?
9 No doubt Thomas was deliberately making her look foolish in public in order to hide his real feelings .
10 The general solution for the effect on ( ) and on may be written : where the coefficient D is assumed positive and the definition of D is analogous to that in Lecture 6 .
11 With 43 recommendations , the report , which took four months to prepare , admits that ‘ a free society requires the freedom to say or print things that are inconvenient to those in authority , whether they be members of the Royal Family , ministers , MPs , local councillors or public officials ’ .
12 It is also uncomfortable for those in range of the teeth .
13 It was a fair archetype , representative not only of the average minister in age , but typical of many in appearance .
14 If a purchaser fears an agreement may be registrable , it should incorporate into it a suspension clause similar to that in Clause 16.11 of the Standard Sale Agreement ( see Appendix III ) .
15 If an asset sale is a qualifying merger under FTA 1973 , because of the risk of an order for divestment the purchaser should make completion conditional on prior approval by the OFT using a clause similar to that in Clause 4.1(b) of the Standard Sale Agreement ( see Appendix III ) .
16 The coalfield is changing , in a way similar to that in North East England .
17 If the experience in other districts is similar to that in West Cumbria , a mortality from asthma of 2000 asthma deaths a year nationally is probably much too high .
18 The ratio of male to female infants in group A ( 3.8:1 ) was similar to that in group B ( 4.8:1 ) .
19 Suppose that a cognitive map , similar to that in Figure 10 , exists in the brain .
20 The pattern of differences shown in Figure 7.2 is nonetheless very similar to that in Figure 7.1 for descriptions .
21 If , by an oversight , a transfer is obtained in the simple form of a transfer of whole ( Form 19 ) or of part , all is not lost — the Land Registry cover under which , after completion , you will lodge the transfer and other papers in the appropriate District Land Registry for registration , contains ( top of page 2 ) a declaration as to the right of the survivor to give a valid receipt , similar to that in Form 19(JP) .
22 In the study of soil geography two strands similar to those in biogeography may be discerned : one arising from studies of soil profiles and their evolution and one more concerned with recent historical changes .
23 Conditions attaching to the sale , similar to those in sale of shares agreement , but also consents required for the transfer of properties , other major assets and major contracts .
24 1963 : A cassette-tape system , very similar to those in use today , is demonstrated at a Berlin hi-fi show .
25 Polishing and scouring materials are similar to those in use today .
26 ‘ I believe crash barriers , similar to those in use on carriageways and motorways , should be erected on the edge of pavements .
27 Kimball tags contain rows of punched holes ( similar to those in paper tape ) .
28 One could also be faced with problems , similar to those in relation to shares , regarding equitable and legal ownership of debentures and the priority of competing transferees .
29 The other points to note on the Regulations are : ( i ) that advantage can not be taken of the section if a provision , ‘ however expressed , ’ of the company 's memorandum or articles requires copies of the full accounts to be sent to members or which prohibits the sending of summary financial statements ( ii ) that provisions , similar to those in relation to the full accounts , apply to approval by , and signature on behalf of , the directors of the summary , and ( iii ) that , up to the end of 1991 , most listed companies do not seem to have opted to adopt the innovation .
30 The results are similar to those in Fig. 4 in that priming with 8E2 from type III repeat 11 did not result in detectable PCR products in normal cells .
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