Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun] over the " in BNC.

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1 Its big rival , ILFC , basedin Beverly Hills , Calafornia , already has 10% of those due for delivery over the next four years .
2 They were guilty as hell over the East German business and made me look a fool .
3 He did n't approve of Celtic influence on what he called " the pure springs of Anglo-Saxon democracy " , holding that most of what had gone wrong with Britain over the past thousand years or so was the fault of " Celtic individualism " .
4 Sea Waybill Rule 6 restates another essential CKR feature , the consignor 's right of control over the cargo , and sets the limits of this right .
5 THE tension that has gripped Miami began to ease yesterday as a policeman , William Lozano , was found guilty of manslaughter over the killing of two young black men on a motorcycle in January .
6 THE tension that has gripped Miami began to ease yesterday as a policeman , William Lozano , was found guilty of manslaughter over the killing of two young black men on a motorcycle in January .
7 Untouched by shots over the sea ,
8 Gates open at Bishops Lydeard at 09.30 closing at dusk over the Cavalcade weekend of July 4 and 5 .
9 Despite the well-founded fear of the Securitate , for most of the period of Communist rule in Romania , the secret police was not in the front-line of control over the population .
10 General Hodge thus had the first of the many tempestuous scenes in which he was to be involved with Rhee over the next two years .
11 He had been closely involved with Harriet over the horses .
12 The details were such that Austria and England were nearly involved in war over the matter .
13 The suggestion made there is that it is only equitable that the jurisdiction can not be exercised against a creditor unless the same conditions are applicable to him at the time he receives the payment as are applicable to jurisdiction over the debtor .
14 The case for such objective assessment before operation seems particularly strong in women over the age of 50 because they may have suffered occult damage to the anal sphincter during the childbirth and could be at particular risk of a poor functional outcome if the sphincter were to sustain further damage at the time of operation .
15 After the tragedy there , they 're also concerned about safety over the decision to repeal a law limiting miners ' hours .
16 In contrast , the melting for the unmodified duplex is , as expected , essentially independent of pH over the range 5 to 8 .
17 It is , of course , celebrated for the magnificent star-clouds which indicate the direction of the centre of the Galaxy , and sweeping with binoculars over the whole region is very rewarding .
18 Police have been getting tough with drivers over the new tyre safety legislation which came into force yesterday .
19 This led commentators to predict a widening of the rift between Klaus and Havel already evident in differences over the pace of market economic reforms , and even a split in Civic Forum .
20 The increasing stocking density evident in Powys over the last 3 decades also explains the broadleaved woodland regeneration problem and clarifies why such woods are now often grazed to billiard table-like turf when in the more distant past grazing levels must have been low enough to allow regeneration .
21 Life has certainly been tough in Poland over the past year .
22 And I noticed that the skin was hanging loose in folds over the shoulder and behind it , as if it had fit a rounder form yesterday , before the rigours of birth .
23 The issue was further complicated by confusion over the validity of the government 's June 1990 deadline .
24 In fact the Champenois are now moving away from the use of boues in favour of cendres-noires , but apparently this is not due to concern over the cadmium problem , it is because the boues is now more expensive than mining lignite deposits , due to the high price being paid by refuse-fuelled energy plants .
25 Tessa , eight , was due to hand over the flowers when Di arrived at the Freshfield drug counselling service in Truro , Cornwall .
26 An increased share of temporary workers does , however , become apparent for women over the age of 60 and men over the age of 65 .
27 They write as if totally familiar with raps over the knuckles and old-fashioned dictation .
28 Becoming misty overnight with fog over the hills .
29 Of this total , SDR33,600,000 ( about US$45 million ) were available in instalments over the next 12 months under a standby arrangement .
30 The physical difficulty of working with oceanic animals has limited cetacean study in the past , and much of the information available on whales over the last few centuries has , ironically , come from the whaling industry .
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