Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [noun] [adv] do " in BNC.

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1 If you are fit , really love testing yourself and are not afraid of heights then do n't miss the Canyon walking excursion into the depths of Martinque 's tropical forest .
2 It would be good for the Hong Kong citizens , and it would be inconsistent for Thatcher not to do this , since she has said , for the Falklands , that a people should be able to choose their own government , and we should n't give in to dictatorships .
3 In reality this is inaudible under water so do n't rely on it to give you a reminder .
4 Clownfish raised in captivity seemingly do not undergo the learning process established in the wild , which closely associates them with an anemone for the whole of their lives .
5 But why , you 'd just forced the door open prior to arrest why do you wait until you got to the bedroom , indeed got the bedroom door open before shouting armed police .
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