Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 But give them a solid economic recovery and they 'll forget it ever happened . ’
2 Such policies offer the rich some protection as they weaken the resolve of potential revolutionaries .
3 It is ironic that those two Members were allies in forcing the Madrid conditions on the exchange rate mechanism on the right hon. Lady and they are now at odds over further developments in the Community , but they can still both vote for this meaningless motion .
4 he continued , suddenly grinning at the tall old man as they walked between the levels of stoves and cookers and fires , Scullions ran about the place , carrying brooms and buckets and baskets full of hidden ingredients .
5 ‘ And they wo n't be as strong this time because they have lost two or three players through injury . ’
6 The pair were having a right old giggle as they walked through Heathrow airport , despite a tiring flight from Los Angeles .
7 THREE young canoeists are lucky to be alive this morning after they were plucked to safety minutes before being swept to sea .
8 By their nature estuarine fish are active swimmers with a high metabolic rate so they eat well , and pollute well too !
9 One persuasive argument says that many dinosaurs probably needed a high metabolic rate when they were not fully grown , since they had to grow , as we have seen , at a great pace .
10 Whereas Mr Sisulu 's release will be ‘ unconditional ’ , according to President FW de Klerk , his wife and son are prohibited from participating in any kind of public political activity and they are allowed to move — unless special exemption is granted — only within the boundaries of the Johannesburg area .
11 They are works of peculiar historical interest since they are the earliest publications to include a special part — what the publisher , Giacomo Vincenti , called a sparditura or partidura — for the accompanying organist .
12 Informed in majestic neo-colonial language and with disingenuous grace by the British foreign secretary that they ‘ have a part to play ’ in the settlement of their own affairs , is a sense of humiliation and a wintry smile from those who remember other foreign secretaries and other assurances so difficult to grasp ?
13 I was at length summoned for interview , during which I was told that the War Office wished to fill a post of Instructor-cum-British Adviser at the Staff College and Royal Military College , Baghdad , Iraq , and that in order to reassure the Iraqi High Command that they were not sending a British ‘ plant ’ ( for relations between the two countries were strained ) , they asked the British Council to fill it .
14 In the urban fringe it has already been shown in Chapter 3 that recreation can have an adverse impact on farming , but other work has shown that the 500 or so informal recreation sites which cover 5.7 per cent of London 's Green Belt ( Ferguson and Munton , 1979 ) are not heavily used by either car-owing suburban dwellers ( who leapfrog over the green belt into so-called proper countryside since they perceive the sites as being too near to be worthy of a special car trip ) or by carless inner city residents ( who spurn the use of public transport ) ( Harrison , 1983 ) .
15 Now , bent and rheumaticky and crosser than ever , Ruth and her sister Joan Young found him a figure to be pitied rather than feared , but both agreed that he was an evil-tempered old man and they felt very sorry for his only daughter Molly who kept house for him .
16 Two years later they bought another one , this time a brown standard poodle so they were company for each other .
17 We went into the country to an old ranch-style house where they have ‘ traditional Brazilian food ’ and I walked around the ranch ( ‘ fazenda ’ ) for a bit with his family .
18 It follows claims by the right-wing British National Party that they 've launched a recruitment drive in the area .
19 Mr 's daughter , I think it 's his daughter , er is working for the British National Corpus and they are looking at the how words are used in ordinary everyday situations .
20 Erm yeah if er you have no objection , what it 's for is the , there 's this outfit called the British National Corpus and they 're trying to make a record of English Language as it 's used in the late twentieth century erm so it 's a sort of resource for further scholarship so it can assist in writing dictionaries and studying grammar and , and all sorts of things like that and erm they 're attempting to tape conversations from all over the place erm er I 've got a bit of bumph about it , it 's quite interesting erm and in some cases it 's sort of out of erm er it 's out of people 's homes , it 's out of broadcasts , it 's out of meetings , it 's out of all sorts of things erm at work and at home erm
21 It is the view of many of the vets in the district , the R S P C A Inspectorate and other dog handling professionals , that dogs must have adequate natural exercise and they should be given the opportunity to run freely as frequently as possible .
22 Where are the Members of the Scottish National party if they are so concerned about the matter ?
23 Ellie was ordered to keep her new lingerie on under her old black dress as they made their way back downstairs to the ready-made department .
24 The men all denied charges of conspiracy to riot and conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm when they went on trial in October last year .
25 We propose to deal with abuses and to ensure that asylum seekers have the free legal advice that they need .
26 This aborted attempt at developing an integrated approach illustrates that most statutory and local authorities in Wales recognise the need for , and benefits of , a coastal strategy for Wales , but that various key players ( especially the development agencies ) are unwilling to integrate their statutory objectives with those of others in the interests of achieving sustainable development , without being given a clear ministerial direction that they are required to do so .
27 When the agricultural population complains of a loss of community in the English village it is usually to this loss of an enclosed , socially self-sufficient occupational community that they refer .
28 American salesmen thus have a built-in launch pad for their products within the British military establishment that they are not backward in exploiting .
29 The introduction of summary financial statements ensured that building society members did not have to cope with extensive , detailed financial information that they did not want and could not be expected to understand .
30 We had been told that the loans system would deter people who might otherwise have gone into higher education because of the so-called financial hardship that they would face .
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