Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] must be see " in BNC.

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1 In so far as this book is a plea for some measure of reform in the priority given to sexual considerations in social work cases , public attitudes must be seen as creating obstacles .
2 The implications for social policy are as follows : first , that the main determinants of welfare are economic ; second , that the government 's role in diverting resources into social policies must be seen to be closely interrelated with , even dependent upon , the role it plays in the management of the economy ; third , that social policies will be determined by views about the way the economy does , or should , operate .
3 The erudition acquired in his Oxford years was displayed in copious references to the medieval doctors , to the Church Fathers , and to Plato and Aristotle before them , in order to show that no infallible revelation could dispossess reason from her task of pursuing truth : not only must the Scriptures be interpreted in the light of reason , but the Old Testament must be seen as leading to the New by progressive revelation .
4 The social world must be seen through the actors ' eyes because it depends on how they see it and it works in whatever way social capacities are exercised .
5 The Comintern 's attitude towards Latin America must be seen in the context of its view of how the national liberation movement in ‘ colonial ’ countries should be evaluated in relation to the world socialist revolution .
6 Its two main preoccupations are , first , that reality is ( at least in part ) determined by the perceiver and , second , that individual freedom must be seen in the context of metaphysical necessity .
7 It 's not a giant step , but any demonstration of a willingness to accept outside assistance must be seen as a positive move .
8 Strategic development plans are best managed as portfolios , that is , during the development period early successes must be seen to be delivered , thus ensuring a continuous flow of systems products to maintain interest and commitment to the system from all users .
9 This Tory proposal must be seen by one of the most unacceptable , and unprincipled acts of this government .
10 Thus domestic service must be seen as a type of economic relationship operating in all levels of society .
11 And Lacan argued that the human subject must be seen as constituted through language , through entry into the Symbolic Order .
12 Similarly , any leading capitalist country which wishes to exert hegemonic influence over the other capitalist economies must be seen to be capable of defending those political and strategic interests which its economic supremacy has given it .
13 Finally , mental health must be seen as something applicable to people — to individuals , families and communities .
14 It is in the light of these publications and the furore caused by Darwinian evolutionary theories in general that Marx 's and Engels 's historical work on pre-capitalist societies must be seen .
15 The Government in its wisdom has backed nuclear power , so nuclear power must be seen to be green as well .
16 The whole phenomenon of the Industrial Revolution must be seen as a cumulative process , resulting in an economic take-off at the end of the eighteenth century under the stimulus of the Napoleonic Wars .
17 The various risings must be seen as spontaneous popular movements , and there is no reason to believe in any central leadership which attempted to control the revolt .
18 By relief it was stipulated that at least two hundred armed men must be seen to have entered the town , with due provisioning .
19 Taken in isolation such a remark would not be significant , but in a speech which had mentioned the two institutions with which Stalin and Trotsky had been most closely associated , this reference to the Red Army must be seen as nudge and wink towards Trotsky .
20 But there was no ambivalence in other writers : Quinney ( 1975 ) insisted that the criminal law must be seen simply as ‘ a coercive means of enforcing the capitalist social and economic order on an unwilling populace ’ , and added :
21 This then is the context within which statutory rules and cases on adverse possession must be seen .
22 The Marxist position starts from the premise that modern medicine must be seen as part of the capitalist mode of production .
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