Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] were [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 These extinct fishes were unlike their modern counterparts in possessing a dermal skeleton of minute scales and/or bony plates .
2 His most emotional words were about his fellow hostage and friend who he called John boy .
3 For Franco knew that if the pro-Allied military men had been unable to secure active Allied support for an anti-Francoist coup when negotiations with the Axis for Spanish entry were at their height , their chances of success dwindled even further after June , when Hitler invaded the Soviet Union and the focus of the war moved away from Europe 's southern flank .
4 The old houses were at their best in it , their shabbiness , the cracks in their fabric veiled , as an ageing face is veiled and smoothed by candlelight .
5 At a NSP rally in Stratford , Thorne claimed that ‘ 90 per cent of the organised workers were behind them ’ .
6 The three Established Church representatives set themselves against ; the other four who were Free Churchmen were for it .
7 As he had done with the Axis in 1940 and the Allies in 1945 , Franco considered that the foreign powers were in his debt and , therefore , that he , not they , should lay down the terms of Spanish cooperation .
8 A whole pack of German destroyers were after them .
9 Despite the fact that air travel and the new-fangled wireless were in their infancy and television still in the experimental stages , the news must have reached the far corners of the Salvation Army empire eventually .
10 Just over half the wanted men were in their twenties .
11 The French soldiers were in their element .
12 The early introduction of merit systems deprived them of patronage , and nominations for public office were outside their control .
13 Breeding numbers of the tawny owl were at their lowest since surveying began in 1963 .
14 His wandering fingers were inside her , pushing their way up into her sticky quim .
15 The little Scot 's impish skills were at their most destructive last November when Leeds visited Villa Park for a live TV match and turned it into a Sunday slaughter .
16 ‘ The majority of my early songs were about my first girlfriend .
17 The three young Wokingham Blacks were intoxicated by the thought of easy money and the following week were on their way to a rendezvous in London .
18 Probably , but he was hiding he would n't come out because he said that the men from outer space were after him .
19 His real thoughts were on something else and he fell silent as they pulled away from the post Office and up the dale .
20 These rather gloomy thoughts were in our minds as we arrived , a bit soothed but still edgy , to find that the last ferry over the Rhone from Salin which would take us on to the road to Martigues had left at 11.30 and there would not be another until 2 o'clock .
21 But further heroics in extra time were beyond their weary limbs and so Stuart Pearce , the Forest captain required by England for next week 's World Cup tie in Poland , completed a victorious return from injury .
22 This was a parting gift but I dropped mine and the bloody dogs were on it in a flash , whilst Benjamin , kind as ever , gave his to the page who served us .
23 We hoped some of these beautifully marked black and white birds were from our own RSPB Minsmere Reserve in Suffolk ; others could be from Holland …
24 He 'd taken her hand and his mouth was brushing her fingers , and for a crazy moment she actually wished that those warm , soft lips were on hers instead .
25 These little whizzbangs were among her favourite weapons .
26 There was two feet of sand over the highest part of the island where the wind had carried it and all the heavy bridge-building machines were on their sides .
27 An agreement with China could also ease the American way out of Vietnam , bring new markets for American goods , set up a new element in the balance of world power , and discourage the Soviet Union from a possible attack on China at a time when Sino-Russian relations were at their lowest point ( CORE , p. 168 ) .
28 Theodora , who had met Gray only once , was surprised by how familiar the rather pretty features were to her .
29 The very ecosystem I inhabited was also to be one of products , striving against built-in obsolescence to individuate themselves , using whatever human means were at their disposal to advance their branded species .
30 His two Omani friends were with him , their smiles wordless expressions of hospitality .
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