Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] as it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 A BABY 'S skull was fractured yesterday after he was thrown from a stolen car as it overturned in a crash .
2 A prim plop as it landed , sank .
3 On July 8 an Albanian military transport vessel was seized by would-be emigrants as it left the port of Saseno ( also called Sezan ) near Vlore .
4 Pilot David Moore from Gloucestershire was at the controls of the forty seven year old Spitfire as it took part in an air display near Manchester on Saturday.The fighter plane looped the loop but as it neared the ground it plummeted down , bursting into flames.Firefighters were on the scene immediately , and confirmed that the pilot was dead.David Moore , who was 47 , flew with the Royal Navy for ten years before joining Rolls Royce as a pilot in the mid 1970s.He flew the company 's executives around Europe … but in his spare time he enjoyed piloting vintage planes like the Spitfire , which was owned by Rolls Royce.Today at the family 's home near Stroud , David Moore 's widow was coming to terms with the tragedy :
5 These oolites were probably deposited as part of the coastal sand-barrier complex as it prograded basinwards , before becoming stabilised at the edge of the platform .
6 He built out of that illusion a political cause which stirred the British electorate as it had not been stirred for decades and which has left its imprint on the Conservative Party and on British trade policy down to the present .
7 Meanwhile , Easy Rider , itself , began to take on more menacing tones as it neared its climax .
8 Even if he now commanded her , as he was undressing , to open her eyes she would not see his powerful , barrel-chested body as it came at her .
9 There was a little magnetic tug as it came off his wrist .
10 This was a popular move as it guaranteed no ‘ feely feely ’ .
11 Patients who joined the study between 1981 and 1985 tended to have been treated with ursodeoxycholic acid as it had become widely available at that time and was considered to be the oral bile acid treatment of choice for gall stone dissolution .
12 Last month Rainbow Warrior II was seized by the French navy as it led another protest to the atoll .
13 The job depended upon careful organisation as it had to be come at only a few days ' notice .
14 Using early documentary evidence , Olive Geddes guides the reader expertly through the first four centuries of the sport , shedding light on its birth , the techniques and equipment used , and above all , its social standing as it began to develop from an outlawed activity to the world 's most internationally popular game .
15 The grounds of appeal were , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices had exercised their discretion to award costs on the wrong principles as it had not been shown that the local authority had acted in bad faith or unreasonable in the performance of its statutory duties or had acted unreasonably in the conduct of the proceedings before the court ; ( 2 ) there were no circumstances which justified the making of the costs order ; ( 3 ) the justice should have found that there were good reasons for the local authority to be concerned about the father 's ability to care for the children , the local authority was not bound to adopt the view of the guardian ad litem and the local authority had communicated the decision not to oppose the father 's application within a reasonable time on receiving the report of the guardian ad litem ; ( 4 ) the justices had been wrong to assume that the change in the view of the local authority amounted to an admission that the views of the local authority had been wrong all the time .
16 The aircraft was seen by a reliable observer as it initiated its first overshoot ; within two minutes he had telephoned saying that the aircraft was only 50m above the ground and heading south .
17 Then there was just their sounds , mingled with the swish of the coarse grass as it moved in unison with the dark water .
18 Ah , I think the Foreign Office was trying to pursue the only sensible policy as it perceived it at the time , right through the entire period , um , since 1965 .
19 Friends then , the three of us — me sitting in the back of the old Countryman as it rattled along , Edward at the wheel singing Verdi as though he 'd just found the key to the Hermetic Mystery if not that of the aria he 'd chosen , while Laura , who had taken some persuading , groaned and laughed beside him .
20 But its long bill , silhouetted against the darkening sky as it flew over , is wader-like — and so is its cryptic plumage .
21 It was there my husband and I began to develop our theories , Darcian Monetarism as it came to be called : that the answer to our current economic ills is not to control inflation but to encourage it until we cease to be a money economy altogether .
22 It must have been a popular book as it had gone to five editions by 1656 , and twenty-four editions by 1744 .
23 It was an arena perfectly adapted to pomp and circumstance and was to witness many subsequent celebrations of the successes of the English nation as it grew to become a dominant world power .
24 The Cake Walk was supposed to be a most daring ride although if you held the rail whilst progressing around the U-shaped walk as it tossed like a rough sea , it was n't too bad .
25 I saw it as a disaster and it happened , but I did n't think it would be such a hello-goodbye thing as it turned out to be . ’
26 But this was only one of a variety of vessels , some of them much larger , it seems , used by the Vikings , and it is the accident that they still used them for burials which has enabled a small number to survive — the conversion to Christianity may be said to have deprived us for ever of the best evidence we might have had of medieval navigation as it developed in the eleventh and twelfth centuries .
27 Hissing loudly , it swivelled on its hind legs and disappeared , the tail banging like a rope on the top step as it fled .
28 No no and we even if we were offered them we would n't take them because the logic of the thing is that what we 're trying to show is a medieval house as it looked when it was nearly new .
29 Now we do n't have any new things , I should have Thank you for asking the question because we 're trying to give the impression of a medieval house the what 's special about this is that it 's a medieval house as it looked when it was new .
30 Only after the war was it revealed that reports concerning the role of the task force had been an element of allied disinformation as it had already been decided not to conduct an amphibious assault .
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