Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] as it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The most that the British knew about armies was that intermittently over four or five centuries they got together in a sort of militia or Home Guard in case the enemy arrived , and the necessity of a state to run the affairs of the country for the country 's salvation , was never so present to the British mind as it always has been to the minds of most continental people .
2 It rapidly became established because of its immediate appeal to masses of people who were either ‘ pagan ’ , that is , people thus labelled primarily because they had not acquired knowledge of , or held allegiance to , the ‘ god ’ of the Hebrew scriptures , or others who were already questioning the absolute authenticity of the Old Testament as it then was , and were therefore ostracised .
3 Some have expressed doubt that Stevens ' scale types add up to a theory of measurement or , if they do , whether this approach is a useful one for social research as it currently stands .
4 When a new consciousness is brought about it should n't bring about historical amnesia as it often does .
5 The British Rail scheme would certainly cost less than the old plan as it now proposed a single-track tunnel , not a twin tunnel .
6 To watch and to listen are two important activities for the social investigator studying social behaviour as it really happens .
7 In a famous passage , Bagehot argued for secrecy as ‘ essential to the utility of the English royalty as it now is .
8 Woodfall , the company set up by Tony Richardson and John Osborne to exploit the profits from Look Back in Anger , with the aim of proving ‘ that good films , ones that showed British life as it really is , could be made cheaply ’ , nevertheless had no particular strategy for trying to bring down the budgets of films from the £100,000 or so they were costing to the £30,000 level that , for example , French filmmakers worked to .
9 Will my right hon. Friend confirm that if he were to convert all loans under the social fund to grants , as has been promised by the hon. Member for Oldham , West ( Mr. Meacher ) , the cost would be about £130 million and would greatly prejudice the operation of the social fund as it now works ?
10 The Pill was as much about men 's sexual liberation as it ever was about women 's , because it purged their fear of paternity .
11 Perhaps it represents not a past concrete social reality as it actually existed , but rather the ideas men who lived then had about their responsibilities and claims , their liabilities and privileges and freedom .
12 But somehow the invitation no longer holds the same enticing mystery as it once did .
13 The reason we want regionalisation is that we are the only country within the European Community as it now stands , bar Luxembourg and Ireland , not to have regional Government , regional co-ordination of our economic policies and a proper role for the regions to link across Europe .
14 Egalitarians are therefore pronounced guilty of " sentimentality " for failing to " accept the complexity of human existence as it actually faces us " .
15 If they were now able to hear that story , and be able to make an overall and broad appraisal of that one-time promising religion as it now is , they would be appalled .
16 Since then , and until very recently , Europe has been united against the fear , which would have seemed as absurd in previous centuries as it still does to many in the 1980s , of Russia .
17 It is the time during which the evolutionary process was producing the human form as it now is , and laying down the pattern from which man , in remote retrospect , can now extract the necessary information on which to lay the foundation of the concept of the Created God , and to understand how he must develop that concept .
18 This was an undercover operation which had to be conducted with great speed as it quickly emerged that there was every chance that the Princess might well have left the royal circle by the proposed September publication date of the book .
19 The ducal retinue as it then stood was the creation of the previous fourteen years , during which Gloucester , with royal backing , had built up his power from negligible beginnings to become the acknowledged lord of the north .
20 The ducal retinue as it then stood was the creation of the previous fourteen years , during which Gloucester , with royal backing , had built up his power from negligible beginnings to become the acknowledged lord of the north .
21 Coming from the western Pacific Ocean , it appears to be fished from fairly deep water as it usually swims ‘ tail light ’ when first received into aquarium life .
22 I actually mar marked twelve closed questions as it so happened but that 's , that 's neither here nor there , that 's ju that 's just a point of reference .
23 Those who stress sisterhood rather than equality value a great deal in women 's distinctive approach as it now is ( and has been in societies much less egalitarian than ours ) and do not want it lost in the melting-pot of assimilation .
24 In the countryside , life must have continued for a long time as it always had done .
25 Since then about ten new sites have been scheduled each week , and this could be seen as a deliberate blocking measure as it only takes place where the owner wants to do something with the site .
26 Our analysis showed serious deficiencies in the case for screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm as it currently stands .
27 The other tree in the garden is the golden-leaved Gleditsia triacanthos " Sunburst " , which is very popular for small gardens as it only reaches about 16-20ft ( 4.8-6.1m ) .
28 Traditionally , the centre-half , under the offside law as it then was , played chiefly as an attacker , but even before the offside law was changed in 1925 to increase goal-scoring chances , and thus bring about a need for stronger defence , he was becoming more a third defender .
29 But in a sense such criticism misses the point , for Napoleon III and his prefect were well aware of the nature of Parisian society as it then existed and wished to take account of it .
30 Try to see a given situation as it truly is when not enhanced by the torture inflicted by your imagination .
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