Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] from under the " in BNC.

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1 He pulled a low seat from under the bed and gently eased her down to it .
2 God — sniff — he dashed down and burnt his fingers yanking the smoking toast from under the grill .
3 Subduction of the northern Iapetus Ocean floor then switched in Ordovician times from under the Midland Valley to under the Southern Uplands basement and an island arc developed .
4 Alter that first palpitation of the heart which I feel does vets no good at all I reached a sleepy hand from under the sheets .
5 The off-licence was empty except for two drop-outs buying canned beer : the proprietor contrived to address Scarlet and Constance without once taking his eyes off his other customers , not even as he wrapped a bottle of Smirnoff and extracted six cans of Long Life from under the glass counter .
6 He bent down and pulled a large rolled-up blanket from under the bed .
7 Campion had unhooked the mike for the multi-channel radio from under the dash , but he was n't speaking ; base desk was giving out a priority call and he 'd stopped with the mike on his knee and the coiled flex hanging loosely .
8 Dot did n't like it when Mrs Parvis spoke in this way , as though they were dusty victims from under the rubble .
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