Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] at the good " in BNC.

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1 Christmas in the music business brings a retrospective look at the best and worst moments of the preceding year .
2 Having teenagers is a humbling experience at the best of times — and having teenagers taking exams is the greatest leveller of all .
3 He did n't like foreign films at the best of times : you could n't understand what they were saying .
4 Psycho-history is a derelict enterprise at the best of times , and who can be sure about the mental health of any of the great heroes of the past ?
5 ‘ Babies are n't her favourite subject at the best of times .
6 ‘ One does n't go blundering into unsound structures without a light source at the best of times .
7 Does the Minister also accept that , in considering agriculture , it is crucial to bear in mind the responsibility of all involved in the food chain , from production to consumption , to ensure that at all times consumers get good , healthy , pure products at the best possible price ?
8 This was brought home to me recently when I went into mine ( a rash and dangerous move at the best of times ) to fetch the hosepipe .
9 Building societies are legally obliged to sell repossessed properties at the best possible price .
10 Given the rambling terms of reference , and the clash of opinion between its members as to how they should be interpreted , the Commission would have faced a bumpy ride at the best of times .
11 Naturally , we do n't expect you to fling real arrows at the best C64 mag on the market , no no no !
12 Do n't forget , she was returning to a village in the north , hardly the most progressive or liberal-minded place at the best of times , and this particular village was especially proud of its moral record .
13 Gathering up the relicts is a hard business at the best of times , and Jackie had to know how the task , carried through with Helen 's usual bravery , would have affected her .
14 Listening is a difficult and complex skill at the best of times .
15 Going underground is a tricky business at the best of times .
16 I know we as a nation are not renowned for our ability to serve but the general level of indifference , apathy and downright rudeness I encountered made even me , a cynical bastard at the best of times , wince .
17 Since 1950 the pro-European parties had declined in strength in the legislature , and even without the EDC dilemma , governmental survival at the best of times was problematic .
18 It was merely a shell with glittering branches at the best addresses in London .
19 But reason told her it was a precarious business at the best of times .
20 Dougal believed that cars were unpredictable creatures at the best of times .
21 ‘ No very bold villain at the best of times , I should judge , and greatly in awe of the Gospel verdict today .
22 It is a hazardous task at the best of times to categorise the views of parliamentarians , let alone in respect to such a complex subject as the future relationship between Britain and Europe .
23 Roses are heavy feeders at the best of times , and pruning for more and better bloom drives a plant even harder .
24 He was an emotional man at the best of times and a proud one , and the one often cancelled out the other .
25 MRS THATCHER has cunningly provoked the Labour party and the media into pushing her into holding a general election at the best time for the Conservative party .
26 Jumping out of an aircraft is a nervy business at the best of times , so the first jump of a new season can be a jittery time , especially when you 're the elite RAF Falcons .
27 Trent 's an obnoxious , contrary bugger at the best of times , as the lyrical concerns show — in between the obligatory expletives , they range from hate through the sub-Nietzschian ideas of cultural slavery and , well , back to hate again .
28 Arthur Jaffe was not a benevolent man at the best of times .
29 Those who find walking the pavements a hairy-scary experience at the best of times will be interested to hear that Durham constabulary now advocates cycling there , too .
30 The sub-standard systems Earth Central had seen fit to install in the Base made some weird noises at the best of times , but this … .
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