Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 What is it about local economic policies that make them ‘ local ’ ?
2 It 's a fast-paced , illuminating and frequently hilarious show , but the portrait is left incomplete by the short shrift given to film of Fishbone onstage — surely the one place where their controlled chaos makes perfect sense — and a surprising lack of emphasis on the political apoplexy that makes them so fascinating .
3 By the time they are mature , hedgehogs can have several thousand of the modified hairs that give them their prickly appearance and an ideal form of defence against attackers .
4 The two grand old men of Arcueil , and , and the entire cult of French physics that surrounded them are entertainingly dissected through the period when French physics moved from uncompromising support of newtonianism to its near rejection with the wave theory of light .
5 It is not their high income that makes them capitalists , but the fact that they own the means of production ( i.e. inputs necessary for production factories , machines , etc . ) .
6 This section is possible precisely because the unity of the whole is an expressive totality , that is ‘ a totality all of whose parts are so many ‘ total parts ’ each expressing the others , and each expressing the social totality that contains them , because each in itself contains in the immediate form of its expression the essence of the totality itself ’ ( 94 ) .
7 Their feedback-drenched fog makes it almost impossible to discern anything resembling a tune , and each song coasts along for upwards of five minutes — but it 's precisely their avoidance of career-minded polish that makes them so invigorating .
8 The French struggled for nearly sixty minutes against a generous but raw Romania , ran riot against a Fijian side well below par and short of the menacing inspiration that made them a fearsome proposal in 1987 , while the game against Canada exposed the shortcomings that England later exploited with relish .
9 The US International Trade Commission has upheld the ridiculous decision that Japanese manufacturers are dumping active matrix liquid crystal displays on the US market to the detriment of a handful of tiny US manufacturers that could never meet the demand from the likes of Apple Computer Inc and IBM Corp , but that alleged dumping of electroluminescent displays has not hurt the US electronics industry ; the active matrix displays carry prohibitive 62.7% tariffs , which apply to imported screens but not to assembled machines that include them , while the electroluminescent displays carried only a 7% tariff .
10 This argues against many of the palaeo. magnetic reconstructions that put them far apart .
11 Lavenham and Long Melford , for example , have no telegraph poles , to preserve the timeless air that pervades them .
12 People who are concerned to preserve their own well-being , and also to strive to do a better job , need to look in two directions for help : they must look inwards , to gain insight into the dynamics of their own stress ; and they must look outwards , to understand better the social forces that surround them .
13 Deviants can not be viewed as billiard balls inescapably moved by the social forces that surround them .
14 It was one of the magnetic forces that drew them overseas , and led them to disappointment quite as often as to wealth .
15 She handed me a glass of cider , others accepted a small glass of a clear liquid that made them wince as they swallowed it .
16 People tend to assume that parents of mentally handicapped children and those who work with them are gifted with abnormal powers of patience and understanding , or suffused with some form of religious or social awareness that make them adopt a sacrificial purpose in life .
17 For some , the reason is one of choice ; they do not have a job or social links that tie them to a 24 hour day .
18 In the islands almost all white men were part of a rigid structure that turned them into guards and gaolers .
19 Moreover , users had access to files or documents held by social services that concerned them as individuals .
20 Only an idealized observer could see both the inner processing and the causal relations of the symbols to outside objects that give them meaning : no one could actually be that idealized observer , because each observer is confined to operating on the symbols that are within his computational machinery , and this excludes their external causal relations .
21 Four years in the making , the three-day event had itself been organised by a team of 15 people based in the US , Hong Kong , South Africa , Brussels , Leeds and Manchester , all communicating by electronic mail ( so-called ‘ e-mail ’ , in which messages typed into a personal computer are sent by telephone line to a big , central computer that stores them until they are called up by one or more addressees using their own computers ) .
22 Most flesh-eating reptiles have simple spikes that prevent them from chewing their prey ; they have to gulp it down whole and then remain in a torpor for days or weeks to digest the meal .
23 As well as the academic and professional qualifications , accountants who aspire to the de rigueur red braces must also have personal characteristics that set them apart .
24 Furthermore , the idea of network impinges fairly closely on the notion of sociolinguistic functions , as we have presented this in chapter 2 , because it is a fundamental postulate of network analysis that individuals create personal communities that provide them with a meaningful framework for solving the problems of their day-to-day existence ( Mitchell 1986 : 74 ) .
25 Witnesses describe gremlins as looking like rabbits or bulldogs , sometimes wearing spats , top hat and breeches , and with long , webbed feet that enable them to move quietly .
26 They became aware , therefore , of the vast gulf that separated them from the supreme Reality and the great confessional religions were born to meet these new conditions .
27 Rincewind looked around nervously for a tall figure in black ( wizards , even failed wizards , have in addition to rods and cones in their eyeballs the tiny octagons that enable them to see into the far octarine , the basic colour of which all other colours are merely pale shadows impinging on normal four-dimensional space .
28 So it still was n't gon na meet the actual need that prompted them to occur in the first place .
29 People actually do n't see the real poverty that surrounds them .
30 The poor in all countries struggle against the domestic and global forces that oppress them and their resistance takes many forms .
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