Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] of the [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 The only other theme — which recurs with depressing regularity — is the persistent sinfulness of the people of Israel .
2 The closure notice was peremptory and we made the most of the fact that a poor , struggling little community service radio station , without benefit of commercial revenue , serving the southern and central parts of the province from gratis studios and operated by a completely voluntary staff , was being victimized by a powerful political federal body without regard to the expressed wishes of the people .
3 At any rate , he was out of sight , though not exactly out of mind , and she seemed to have the castle to herself , apart from the distant , discreet presence of the staff .
4 The low level of the aircraft on entering the Harbour and its speed , would have made it impossible for heavy anti-aircraft guns to depress and traverse to follow the aircraft and even difficult for 30mm cannon such as Bofors , even when the aircraft climbed to sixty feet to drop its torpedo .
5 The main themes that Bukharin pursued were : ( 1 ) the need to cut down on the excessive unproductive consumption of the state bureaucracy ; and ( 2 ) the need to draw the widest possible strata of the people into the planning process and into controlling the state .
6 He 's turned his cab into a mobile picture gallery , and has even been known to dash off the odd sketch of the people he drives around .
7 The part that the National Food Survey plays in policy formulation is illustrated and the proceedings also indicate how researchers and commercial interests can benefit from the continuity and the broad coverage of the data obtained for the Survey .
8 It is abundantly clear that the network of figure 12.4 passes signals in the vicinity of the resonant frequencies of the series and parallel LC combinations but rejects at both low and high frequencies .
9 The acidic bedrock and associated soils and extensive podsolisation and bog development , in conjunction with increasing storm frequency and human impact since about 4000 B.P. have lead to progressive impoverishment of the flora and vegetation over thousands of years resulting in the poor botanical diversity of the Outer Hebrides today .
10 The ships they could see on the right side of the aircraft were returning from a rehearsal for the service of remembrance that was held on the ocean every year .
11 A NASM official indicates that , according to their records , ‘ 108784 has but 59 plus hours on the airframe with the last flight occurring in February 1944. 42–108784 is currently displayed with an original 1,250lb thrust 1–A engine installed on the right side of the aircraft , one engine access panel being removed to enhance viewing .
12 David Newman , team leader , helps Kim to carry out the administrative aspects of the sales centre .
13 The other prolonged study of the flora of the Outer Hebrides was that initiated by Miss M. S. Campbell .
14 Although co-skipper , it was the American Skip Novak whose experience the Soviets had used to manage both the breakneck completion of the 82ft yacht and help to train the crew .
15 Bishop was glad it was too small to see : it made suppressing the imagined screams of the people inside that much easier .
16 One possible disadvantage of the hardware.based system is that a relatively large number of signal lines are needed to interface the control circuits to the microprocessor , particularly for the parallel loading of the counter , e.g. for a maximum travel of 128 steps ( 2 steps ) , seven signal lines are used to load the Counter .
17 Eighteenth-century trumpet parts were written very high because of the impossibility of obtaining scale-wise passages on the natural instrument except amongst the very high harmonics of the series .
18 Detailed inspection of the aircraft included examination of the structure , the seats and seat belts , the flying control system , the instrumentation and the fuel system , and strip examination of the engine .
19 If all the data are initially entered into a computer database , the power of a database management system makes it easy to present different views of the data to the researcher , allowing more subtle and complex associations to emerge .
20 The four novels deal with the status of the genre relative to the public discourses of the media and the discourses of specialized expertise in the domain of communications technology , both of which have become contemporary discourses of authority .
21 Electronic spectra often contain information about the vibration frequencies of both the lower and the upper electronic states of the species involved , as described in Chapter 6 .
22 The database would see the same data differently — as a series of database tables comprising highly structured social profiles of the people with whom Hamilton came into contact and about whom he wrote .
23 Transposed forms of the series
24 These alternatives are a threat to the popular consciousness of the people 's movements and the radical elements in the Catholic church , which are in danger of being overtaken by consciousness of the power of money and guns . ’
25 In a broadcast talk which he gave in the spring of 1941 , " Towards a Christian Britain " , he talked about the sacrifices which would be necessary to bring about such a national conversion , and the need for Christian " prophets " who would alter the social consciousness of the people .
26 Insights from the growing science of human behavioural genetics have yet to reach the top offices of the media .
27 As we demonstrated in our previous book , moreover , the wedding at Cana — which may in fact have been Jesus 's own wedding — was not a modest village affair , but a sumptuous ceremony of the gentry or aristocracy .
28 A study of Cheshire in the first quarter of the fifteenth century , however , shows how the social ties of the gentry class were rooted in the locality .
29 Millward Brown use their own proprietary system of analysis — a form of mathematical modelling — to translate the data for each individual brand into a so-called ‘ awareness index ’ ; and many of their clients have fallen into the tempting habit of using this single number as a measure of the effectiveness of a commercial or campaign , rather than taking the trouble to make a more detailed study of the data underlying the index .
30 Amid the ruins on the most remote Highland croft still remains ample evidence of age-old customs and beliefs concerning plants and their significance in the daily lives of the people who lived there .
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