Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] and [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Even so , environmental experts agree that cutting phosphates in detergents is a step in the right direction and will help to reduce phosphate levels in the rivers .
2 well no , because what you can do know is you can go to somebody who will sit down with a mini computer and that 's what you need , a mini computer and will sit down and will look at a job and will say right , if you take this job , it can also claim Family Credit of so much , and , and they actually do a , a sort of alternative benefit calculation , and what they do is they look at , if you take this job and take all the other things into account , will you be better off ?
3 Much more important is that the student is aware of the general principles of that particular area of law , has acquired the proper technique for finding out the specific rules and can apply them to the facts of the case .
4 Body brushes should be used on dry skin and can help stimulate the circulation , bringing blood flow to the surface and stimulating the lymph system which rids the body of toxins .
5 ‘ They can in no way be seen as an endorsement of the Government 's disastrous economic policies and will bring little comfort to the thousands still out of work .
6 Cats , too , are sensitive to ultrasonic frequencies and can hear mice and voles in hidden places .
7 ISS assumed that the first three years would continue with a broad curriculum and would include subjects ( such as home economics ) which at present few schools consider to be compulsory in the fourth and fifth years .
8 Apple is offering a year 's free technical support and will reimburse VARs to the tune of $6,000 if they buy three Quadra 700 AUX systems between now and January 31 1993 via its outlets .
9 This gave it a weird , lop-sided look and might have made it unstable had that not been compensated for by putting the hold forward .
10 As one goes further south , people will be paying lower regional taxes and will vote Conservative .
11 Designed to make the most of your hair 's natural movement , it can be sprayed on wet or dry hair and will encourage any natural curls or waves that you have and add body and shine .
12 A number accepted that the SNP would benefit from having a seat at the committee which is being discussed as a second chamber for the European Parliament and would open up avenues for new relationships with parties across Europe .
13 Elsie Stringer , 71 , of Billingham , is taking the plight of Britain 's pensioners to the European Parliament and will address a two-day conference attended by pensioners from all over the EEC .
14 The latter would be called a subjective budget and would list items in headings such as buildings , staff , rent , rates , capitation , in terms of the total spent in each category , rather than show how part of each category related to a particular programme .
15 The blue Ford Fiesta contained cans of highly inflammable tricholorotheane and could cause serious injury if tampered with .
16 Moves to clean up Britain 's heavily polluted cities and countryside were welcome , but without resources the proposed measures were merely wishful thinking and would prove a cosmetic exercise .
17 One participant involved in training said people here have low self-esteem and must contend with almost daily harassment .
18 ‘ This one wanted to do my work , but when he started telling me that personally he was against all pet shops and would like to see them closed we did n't exactly see eye to eye .
19 The samples will be drawn from both state and private schools and will include children whose families have personal experience of unemployment as well as those who have no such experiences .
20 We will seek the directors ' approval to contact the short-listed parties and will provide an anonymous one page synopsis of the company for the first approach .
21 It did n't matter that he was quite well built , had strong legs and could run quite fast ; he was too short and that was that .
22 The Bulgarians are one of the stronger European nations and will provide excellent opposition .
23 The results obtained in this study indicate that the mucosal platelet activating factor content is considerably increased in patients with acute Crohn 's disease , decreased by glucocorticoid therapy and may return to normal levels in quiescent Crohn 's disease .
24 I thought yer ain bottle wis gettin' a wee thing on the low side and could dae wi' a refill . ’
25 Upon the new holder 's confirmation of the carrier 's message , a confirmation that includes the new holder 's acceptance of the right of control and transfer , the carrier will cancel the current private key and will issue a new private key to the new holder .
26 Labour would have backed his ambitious scheme to step up funding for European industry and would have been less rigid in opposing transfers of cash to the poorer regions .
27 The 8th , a woman is in a poorly , but stable condition and will stay in hospital overnight .
28 Over the following six years , they would serve as merchant aircraft carriers , armed merchant cruisers , troopships , hospital ships , catapult armed merchantmen and would carry vital cargoes of fuel , food , ammunition and troops .
29 Bourgeois Republicans and right-wing Socialists like Prieto , Minister of Navy and Air in the Largo Caballero cabinet , and Dr Juan Negrín , Minister of Finance , argued that collectivization caused economic disruption and would alienate the lower-middle-class and better-off peasantry from the Republic .
30 The boy 's 30-year-old father is accused of attempted murder and will appear in court today .
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