Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] the [adj] day " in BNC.

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1 As reported , in a revelatory mood the other day , Sun chief executive Scott McNealy confided to Wall Street analysts that Sun has seven Sparc chip projects in development : only trouble with that insight is that there are actually nine .
2 Lake , who is getting out , has taken a bit of a battering and feels that her spontaneous outpourings the other day were probably misconstrued .
3 Lake , who is getting out , has taken a bit of a battering and feels that her spontaneous outpourings the other day were probably misconstrued .
4 Western attempts to meet force with force led to China 's declaration of war on the foreign powers the following day .
5 British and Empire troops dug in and organized their defences so rapidly that all German counter-attacks the following day were thrown back and even more ground gained .
6 In an interview with French radio the following day he said that " we must not forget that this government has a lifespan which may be limited by the national sovereign conference " [ see below ] .
7 Caribbean news agency reports , as well as news filtering into neighbouring Dominican Republic , confirmed that the army had initiated a new wave of repression on Dec. 15 , to forestall the celebration of the first anniversary of free elections the following day .
8 FREEDOM TO ROAM MUST BE GUARANTEED was the headline in the West Highland Free Press the following day .
9 From here the hull of the fishermen 's boat , lashed by the high seas the previous day , could be seen ditched on a group of rocks to one side of the tiny bay .
10 ‘ He bought this old factory the other day , down by the bus station .
11 In conversation with my French boyfriend the other day , he said , ‘ I am being quite Fred with you ’ .
12 ‘ I saw you in the High Street the other day , ’ he would say , in a tone that suggested that it was quite impossible for Henry to have seen him .
13 I went down the Kentucky in the High Street the other day , I had just come out , I was just standing there , when these black kids come up and start jostling me and then they nicks my chicken and chips .
14 Quinn woke at six , washed and shaved with the new toiletries he had bought in the High Street the previous day , had a light supper and chanced the two-hundred-yard walk back to the phone-booth in Chiltern Street at ten to eight .
15 By fortunate chance , often a major factor in war , Hawke , on the afternoon of 16 November , learned from a victualling ship which was returning empty from taking supplies to the blockading force that it had sighted the French fleet the previous day .
16 At high noon the following day , Carole , the leader , was the first to arrive .
17 Both sides noted at an official ceremony the following day that the transfer of JNA troops , facilities and equipment had proceeded without serious incident .
18 I was discussing with a distinguished star in the pianistic firmament the other day as to whom he felt was the finest living pianist ; no hesitation — Sviatoslav Richter !
19 He had appeared on remand accused of killing the seven-year-old girl the previous day .
20 At a plenum of the Georgian central committee the following day the party first secretary , Dzumber Patiashvili , resigned and was replaced by the former head of the Georgian KGB , Givi Gumbaridze ; the Georgian prime minister and head of state also tendered their resignations .
21 Naval vessels were also contributed by Belgium and Italy ( which both on Aug. 21 confirmed that minesweepers sent initially to the eastern Mediterranean were to proceed on to the Gulf ) ; Greece announced on Aug. 20 that a frigate would join the naval forces in the Gulf , and Spain made a similar announcement the following day .
22 The government suffered a serious setback the following day , however , with the resignation of the Druse Progressive Socialist Party militia leader and Minister of State Walid Jumblatt .
23 Our old mates THE ORB popped round to Vibes central control the other day for tea and spacecakes and a quick intergalactic natter , and somehow they just happened to leave a whole box of ORB window stickers in the VIBES record cupboard — and would you believe it just as they were about to leave we could n't find the key ?
24 That package is what the Chief Secretary the other day called ’ socialist spite ’ , a typically graceful phrase from the right hon. and learned Gentleman .
25 But in visiting units who would shortly be involved in the repatriation of the Cossacks , and in discussions with Gen Keightley and his staff , we believe that McCreery would have been fully briefed on the plans for the Cossack repatriation operation which had been issued by 5 Corps to all divisional commands the previous day , 24 May [ KP 245 ] .
26 Most enjoyed good rises , helped by Ofwat 's favourable report the other day .
27 This followed an armistice agreement signed by representatives of France and the Democratic Republic the previous day accepting the division of the country along the 17th parallel with a demilitarised zone between .
28 I can see the problems now , people come up to you and whisper in your ear , how comes he 's on the list , I saw him going into the Liberal club or the Tory club the other day , he 's not a Labour supporter .
29 Retail Week the other day gave a flavour of the debate elsewhere when it published an editorial declaring that it was ‘ Time for honesty on Sunday trading ’ .
30 Just as they planned , the couple set upon the unfortunate woman the following day , and beat her to death before pushing her body into the shallow pool .
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