Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] just [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All around the fringe of the urban area there are pockets of land in the ownership of private builders just waiting for the signal to turn from red to amber .
2 That their duvet cover is made of the Russian flag and the Union Jack can be passed by ; better are such details as the fact that Russians call spam ‘ Roosevelt smile ’ ; the question of whether Down 's syndrome chidren are known as Mongols in the USSR , and a dispute over private medicine : ‘ You think I 've fled 1,000 miles from scientific communism just to live with Mrs Engels ? ’ asks Slava .
3 ‘ You can not wake up an old lady just to listen to your insane and morbid fantasies . ’
4 Being born and bred in Ludlow , my favourite team just has to be …
5 If the hon. Gentleman just thinks about what he is saying , he will realise that it takes a Government one or two years to bring the economy round .
6 I tried a pink old lady with the future of the universe mapped on her face with linear symbols just waiting to be decoded by anyone who had the wisdom and the patience to want to do so .
7 I 'm afraid Moira just went to pieces .
8 The sight of these great bastions gives any would-be attacker just pause for thought .
9 Green-skinned warriors will travel halfway across the Old World just to fight alongside a particularly powerful Warlord .
10 We 've all seen pictures of Page 3 girls and pornographic images of women showing the female body in a constantly inviting , sexual way just walking into a newsagent 's on a Sunday morning often means you are surrounded by them ) and it is hardly surprising if girls themselves , as well as men , sometimes feel confused ; believing that girls might ‘ want ’ to be raped , or are asking for trouble , if they dress up to go out , or behave independently by going out or walking home alone .
11 Half-way across there 's this old pigeon just sitting on the side .
12 They burnt on occasion a couple of Popes , or perhaps the same Pope twice ; it was n't anti-Catholicism , teenage daughters just objected to something he had said .
13 Very often , these mutually unintelligible and exclusive ethnic cultures just happen to be the same as the groups which common sense tells us are ‘ races ’ .
14 Instead , his dark eyes just looked at her with a haunting intentness as she ran away from him .
15 Sometimes you will find people selling ordinary plants just stuck in pots and sold as bonsai . ’
16 I do recommend starting with a nine sheet pattern ( see page 77 ) but a fairly simple pattern just to begin with should give you confidence to go on to bigger and better things .
17 Part of the binding mechanism may involve ions like calcium , so when calcium is removed , the cells of some early embryos just separate into individual cells , and restoring the calcium causes the cells to adhere again .
18 Let a wee thought just peep in a man 's mind at dawn on the Mull of Oa and it 's all the gossip at the Butt of Lewis by noon .
19 If you 're that spare about the images you choose to show of a city , you can create a feeling of an entire world just seen through very limited vision .
20 Hayman 's monkey-like face twisted into a vicious scowl just thinking about it .
21 I think it would be better , in my own experience , move over to that er the left a little bit just to go for a slightly more interesting composition .
22 Then I 'm going to take another triangular bandage and I 'm going to open it up and make just a little fold , this is going to go on her forehead and that little fold just helps with keeping it firm and stopping the bandage slip , now , just put it around the forehead like that , okay ?
23 That pretty girl just had to be Gaynor Summer 's sister , and , sure enough , that was where she went .
24 Refrigeration was in its infancy , so that perishable goods just had to be sold which meant that prices were gradually reduced in the hour or so before closing time .
25 Erm modern theorists of human rights just start from the position that human rights are of course self evidently inherent in each individual , I 'm thinking for example of erm Nosette In the tradition of , of natural , in the natural law tradition which Locke erm erm shares erm there is a basic position which runs throughout them all and that includes incidentally even Hobbes to the effect that erm we do n't just have rights as individuals , we have rights for a very particular reason .
26 The white woman just looks after herself , the Black woman is there to take her kids for a walk .
27 Property : The frustrated architects just waiting for a call
28 ‘ I did think , ’ David began , as they moved away , ‘ there 's a nice little restaurant just opened in Tewkesbury , not far from the Abbey — cosmopolitan sort of menu , so I 've been told .
29 I had a very very hard time just to look after my ill daughter , and I was trying to get help from everybody , but er I had a tremendous help er the neighbours were very good with me , the relations , my husband 's friends at work , er and er my own sisters and my brothers and their wives and my , my mum and dad , so I had a lot of support from everybody .
30 Sunshine Super Glue E3 , 6a takes the blankish wall just left of Epitaph Corner , past two pegs and a post-first ascent chipped starting hold .
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