Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] would be for " in BNC.

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1 In these circumstances we accept that it is reasonable that some trustees may feel that in the new situation produced by the tax the right course would be for the settled property to cease to be held on discretionary trust .
2 This is because the usual practice would be for the investment manager to deal only in its own name account client .
3 However , the prospect of terms passing backwards and forwards ad infinitum is unrealistic ; a sensible course would be for the business to decide that once a certain stage is reached , it will attempt to negotiate a compromise , for instance , a seller might decide to negotiate with customers who " reject " terms in a delivery note .
4 The Moscow agreement was effectively dead and the most sensible move would be for the UN to sponsor simultaneous withdrawal of American and Russian forces to be followed by the establishment of a unified Korean government — ‘ It might not be a very democratic or very efficient Government , but almost anything would be better than the present absurd and dangerous division . ’
5 In September Cheney announced that the increased use of US military personnel in combating drugs in Latin America would be for training and advising , but not in participation in anti-drugs operations .
6 Much everyday reasoning about causes , however , seems to demand perfect relationships : ‘ Smoking does n't cause lung cancer ; the man next door to us got lung cancer and he had never smoked a cigarette in his life ’ , implying that the only cast-iron proof would be for all smokers to get lung cancer and for no non-smokers to get
7 For the former , the normal requirement would be for the duty solicitor to attend the court ; for the latter the predominant arrangement would be a ‘ call-in ’ scheme based on either a list or a rota of duty solicitors .
8 A typical entry would be for , say , E233 , a preservative , chemical name thiabendazole , a man-made material , with a note of caution attached warning that it should be avoided during pregnancy because it can damage the unborn child .
9 One theoretical possibility which is thought not to be found in actual practice would be for the plaintiff , in a state of origin which regarded service as a matter for the parties to handle , to be allowed to make a direct approach to the Justice Ministry or other central authority of the state of destination .
10 Another potential future LAN would be for Public Services and Publications , in view of the close functional links which have developed between some of their activities , and the need to minimise cost increases by sharing expensive hardware .
11 And his perfect ending would be for Villa to become the first winners of the Premier League and break United 's hearts for the second successive season in a title run-in .
12 ‘ He had asked the country for a mandate for Tariff Reform , this had been refused , and the honourable thing would be for him to resign at once . ’
13 As indicated in the recent guidelines of the Department of Health and Social Security ( 1984 ) , a sensible approach towards establishing comprehensive services would be for clinicians in each area to set up a service which most suits local conditions and needs .
14 ‘ The worst possible scenario would be for the civilian government to remain in a weak and powerless state , forcing us to maintain a military occupation in the city , ’ said Mr Roberts , who is dean of the law school at DePaul University in Chicago .
15 A natural follow-up would be for him to make a model van , perhaps like one of his dad 's .
16 I 'm afraid sir , I have no knowledge , I have n't certainly myself spoken to anybody with regard to that , I would of thought the normal procedure would be for him to be committed to Preston Crown Court and for the Crown Courts thereafter to sort out the final venue .
17 I would have thought the normal procedure would be for him to be committed to Preston Crown Court and for the Crown Courts thereafter to sort out the final venue .
18 In a case where the husband owns the house alone , subject to mortgage , and the wife and new husband decide to buy him out , the most usual procedure would be for the conveyance to the wife and new husband to take place contemporaneously with the redemption of the existing mortgage and the taking of the new mortgage .
19 The logical development would be for closer examination of early foetuses with a view to detecting minor deficiencies which many babies are born with .
20 The scholar fed his pet dragons on the choicest tit-bits , bringing them rump steaks of the purest virgins and a daily supply of swallows ' flesh — not realising that such things , for true dragons , are treats , are after-dinner delicacies and no more a fit diet than endless chocolates would be for you .
21 A good starting-point would be for you to get in touch with The National Council for the Single Woman and her Dependants , 29 , Chilworth Mews , London W2 3RG , by writing ( with a stamped addressed envelope enclosed ) for one of their information leaflets .
22 Perhaps a solution for the JTO 's that are finding difficulty in coping with the current situation would be for those of them that have both hard and grass courts at their club to run a two tier event , i.e. a Series tournament on the hard courts coupled with age group doubles and mixed on the grass .
23 The Regions would take turns in being Primary and Secondary hosts — the primary visit would be for about two weeks and the secondary for about one week .
24 Clearly the most drastic punishment for a firm that has reneged on the collusive agreement would be for the other firms to force it to its security level , either forever or for some specified number of time periods .
25 The only protection would be for neighbours to use different channels or to fit filters .
26 Front seats would be for the Black ,
27 These groups would be involved in a ‘ demand-side ’ classificatory struggle with the more established members of the dominant classes whose aesthetic tastes would be for high modernist art .
28 This stated that full consideration would be given to ‘ any social or other problems that may arise ’ , but that ‘ the general policy would be for the Secretary of State to approve proposals to cease to maintain under-used schools . ’
29 ‘ The only solution would be for Diana to go and live abroad like Edward VIII .
30 The only other alternative would be for the court to disregard one of the clauses and hold that one party had , by conduct , accepted the other party 's terms and waived its own , including the provision providing that it should not be taken as accepting any other terms .
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