Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] have n't [verb] " in BNC.

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1 British Rail have n't had anything at all to report to us , and the local bus company 's just been telling us that things are running fine .
2 British Coal have n't made their position quite clear .
3 The English papers have n't arrived in this part of the world this week .
4 Mount Cook , or Aoraki ( Cloud-Piercer ) as it is called by the Maoris , has suffered from massively shrinking glaciers in recent years , which is never good for a mountain 's constitution , and heavy snowfalls with a recent warm spell have n't helped .
5 Bert 's public-spirited efforts have n't gone unnoticed either — his fastidiousness has won him a thank-you scroll from the Keep Britain Tidy group .
6 Bloody Italians have n't got a clue have they ?
7 It 's a wonder people have n't had serious injuries from them really .
8 So it 's lucky people have n't died in these incidents ?
9 When you wheel your trolley around the supermarket , you could be forgiven for thinking that our basic foods have n't changed for years .
10 The late hours have n't brought more problems , ’ he says .
11 So far any opposing and neutral fans have n't caused a rumpus or complained .
12 But the bottom ones have n't got one on !
13 I had my eyes tested , but new glasses have n't helped this problem .
14 Sort of consortium What — somebody tell me in the group what sort of press release you had , what did it describe , so that we , the other people have n't seen it , have they ?
15 And I think really what 's needed is actually going out , I mean , it could be a useful new thing that , a new departure that other people have n't done .
16 We deliberately went for a position of responsibility and moderation in this argument , where if I may say so , some other people have n't put the same constraints on themselves .
17 As with labour costs , the surprising thing is that the total overheads have n't increased by more .
18 Because er in the past people have n't filled in the value of the erm of the work element in in the databases .
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