Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] give [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 On Tuesday , the Queen was wheeled out for her first-ever appearance at the European Parliament to give what the Guardian wittily described as the ‘ royal oui ’ to the EC .
2 A loving partner 's selfless support gives you the extra edge you need to succeed .
3 A loving partner 's selfless support gives you the extra edge you need to succeed .
4 Bracing the right side gives you the only opportunity to use the left side to start the forward swing smoothly and efficiently .
5 His blade lent him power beyond mortal reckoning ; the eternal flame gave him the strength to use it .
6 The old houses give you the creeps do n't they Bill ?
7 The voluntary hospital , the Infirmary , was specifically designed to care for the sick , and its relative freedom from the constraints associated with spending public money gave it the advantage over the sick wards at the workhouse .
8 I would expect the right hon. Lady to give us the answers , because she still has time to absorb what her civil servants have to tell her .
9 Empty phrases to give you the illusion that it 's Adam who 's holding you , and not me ?
10 Gerard Fusil , a French radio journalist , suffers the same insatiable affliction as Francoise , along with hundreds of other amateurs who want to cheat death with a dramatic natural backdrop , but his connections within the French media gave him the chance to create an annual event to satisfy even the most daredevil adventurer .
11 ‘ The experience we gained through High Island gave us the confidence to know we could successfully work with Tatham , ’ Broussard says .
12 A teaching profession with a better understanding and a wider knowledge of educational research would be more able to question those who indulge in ‘ jargon ’ and also have a solid base from which to put forward their views which , whether rightly or wrongly , still rely too heavily on intuitive feel for what is happening , and I feel confident that the STRN can help bring this about if Scottish teachers give it the support it deserves .
13 He was the kind of man who looked magnificent in any uniform ; Hollywood 's British Colony gave him the airs to match his looks .
14 Afterwards , it can be tidied around with heavier and more direct pastel to give it the definition it would otherwise lack .
15 Top analysts gave it the thumbs up and prices took off .
16 Thus encouraged , the Serbs continued their expansion into Croatia , where the EEC 's refusal to recognise Croatian independence gave them the status of a legitimate federal army .
17 " The prosperity and technology of the developed countries give them the greater possibilities and the greater responsibility " .
18 And personal poetry gave him the icks He could n't
19 A vase from the end of the century with Theseus at the bottom of the sea may perhaps in its central group give us the design of the fourth , but it is not a document of the same kind as these contemporary vases .
20 I know that buying additional tackle gives you the opportunity to try something different , but it is not a good idea .
21 All my young ferrets get a similar introduction to give them the necessary experience for bigger operations within major burrow systems .
22 Furthermore , classical languages and literatures appeared to be insulated from any possibilities of social , historical , or cultural revaluation , since their very distance from contemporary culture gave them the appearance of unified , organic , and completed totalities .
23 At the same time Diana 's healthy lifestyle of regular exercise , little alcohol and early nights gave her the energy to carry on with her royal duties .
24 Let us wait for some more opportune moment to give her the news that Kokos is back in town .
25 Its flattened face and its long , soft fur give it the rounded appearance of a ‘ super-baby ’ , appealing to many humans .
26 I described how previous experience gave me the skills needed for the post .
27 The finding of individual coins or of coin hoards can in some rather obvious respects give us the same sort of information , since the loss of a single coin or the deposit of a hoard is proof of some sort of direct or indirect contact between the place of mint and the place of deposit .
28 Timelord also has a document database where you can index all your text files wherever they are on your hard disk giving you the ability to search and browse with the built in report viewer .
29 Timelord also has a document database where you can index all your text files wherever they are on your hard disk giving you the ability to search and browse with the built in report viewer .
30 This unusual relationship gave us the joy of knowing her very well .
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