Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] then they have " in BNC.

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1 If it 's inherited from an estate that of itself er attracts no tax , so there tax position would only be the income that they received from it would be subject to income tax and it would be added to their own assets so that when they die in due course then they 've inheritance payable there .
2 If they wish to be assessed as needing residential care and using public money then they have to go through the assessment process and be assessed as needing residential care .
3 They have a violent film then they have a violent advert .
4 If shareholders can not be shown to be morally entitled to the corporate property then they have no antecedent moral right to exercise or allocate the power that flows from it , and accordingly the property rights justification of corporate power must fail , and with it , the project of explaining companies as private shareholder domains .
5 ‘ If they come back and show anything like their true capabilities then they have to be in consideration .
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