Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] which [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps he had hit a patch of false going which caused him to lose his action , or had a fleeting muscular spasm which lost him the use of his hind legs — something like Bryan Marshall had reported after a couple of his races earlier in the season .
2 These doctors must be grossly overpaid , unless — yes , Toby Latimer clearly had a private income which allowed him to indulge his tastes to the full .
3 It was Eddie 's refusal to do this and his blind obsession and one-track mind which caused him to lose his family , his friends , his respect , his happiness and finally his life .
4 Flashback F M rewinds to December nineteen eighty three , from three meet former radio four Today presenter John Timpson with another of his wacky books which takes him all over the country looking at the unusual including some of the things you never knew existed in North Yorkshire .
5 And unless someone possesses unique powers of extrasensory perception which enables him to influence the balls in the caller 's cabinet , character references are strictly irrelevant to the outcome of the jolly game of life in which eyes look down rather than upward for support .
6 She 's totally loyal to Charles , absolutely discreet and sees it as part of her duty to provide Charles with those emotional satisfactions which set him up . ’
7 He walked back by a different route which took him along the waterfront .
8 Born into a provincial Liberal family in 1858 , Hobson developed unorthodox views which prevented him from securing an academic career in his chosen field of economics .
9 The evidence suggests that Cade 's support was fairly widely based , and that the strength of his leadership lay in his ability to act as spokesmen for all the social groups which supported him .
10 This is the essential meaning of the old dogma which described him as God incarnate and as our Saviour and Redeemer .
11 Dragging himself through the daily routine which gets him into his beige-toned synthetic fibres and out of his neo-neo house , he roars off in his Jag ( number plate , VIC 100 ) , fag in mouth , Carly Simon on cassette , ready to take on the world .
12 In order to claim a scientific status for Marxism as knowledge rather than ideology , or non-knowledge , Althusser invoked Bachelard 's historical epistemology which allowed him to posit the idea of a radical discontinuity between the two , with Marxist science separated from earlier forms of non-knowledge in Marx 's texts by an ‘ epistemological break ’ .
13 He fired again , and felt the lesser kick which told him the ball had only lodged half-way down the barrel .
14 The valley of the dry bones and the life-giving water of baptism are traditional Christian symbols , but Eliot remains aware of other similar more primitive traditions which lead him to invoke the Virgin in unusual terms :
15 It had the kind of social content which stirred him .
16 If Marcos was cynical , he was no more so than the American foreign policy which kept him in power and in clover for 20 years .
17 Pound , following a polemical strategy which served him well in the short run ( but which later back-fired ) deliberately provoked the academic classicists of his day ; and his use of his sources , classical and other , was always both hasty and high-handed .
18 The AP correspondent would then read out the latest dispatch form Teheran and according to the British embassy , " The Shah would then put on his spectacles and , in a charming manner which endeared him to present , would comment in his quiet English on the news .
19 If Milton adopts a high style which allows him to voice opposition to Restoration politics , is that opposition not contained by this style , one perceived as normally expressing the values of the elite ?
20 He possessed a charming personality which enabled him to deal easily with all members of the club .
21 Even then , it was the desertion of allies , the failure of his Italian bankers , and the capture of ransomable kings which saved him from financial disaster .
22 Another social problem which concerned him was the lack of housing both for the poor and for the tourists .
23 Against all the odds , he carried freshly-stamped papers which enabled him to cross into Czechoslovakia to purchase some new rolls of cloth .
24 Taking that principle as a starting point , an attempt was made in Belfast to assign to the fieldworker a clear social identity which allowed him or her to claim a role in the community .
25 ‘ It is wise to bear in mind how vastly superior is the individual over all the political institutions and social mechanisms which oppress him ! ’
26 It was the experimental air fields which gave him a taste for exploring ideas which he later satisfied by joining a university ; it was the German language which brought him his wife Mary ( they met through a German class in Bristol ) .
27 Pound was a bohemian figure , despite his Quaker origins , who espoused an anti-credit economic philosophy which thrust him into anti-Semitism .
28 In July 1616 , on the embassy of James , Lord Hay ( later first Earl of Carlisle , q.v. ) in marriage negotiations between Princess Christina and Prince Charles , he suffered a serious accidental fall which left him in France for some months after the embassy .
29 His face , to be sure , is not built for mirth : framed by luxuriant , shoulder-length black hair , his chubbyish cheeks curve round into a pinched mouth which makes him resemble Roshan Seth , the Indian actor who played the hero 's vodka-sodden father in My Beautiful Laundrette .
30 He might have shed his Lindbergh-like naivete and enthusiasm for simple solutions which made him an easy prey to authoritarianism and the meretricious appeal of Nazis and fascists .
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