Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that [vb -s] him " in BNC.

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1 Gatsby seems alive like the glittering social circle that surrounds him , whereas Clegg is , emotionally , as dead as his butterfly collection .
2 In a world of single parents , almost all of them female , it is the relationship that the young man has with a solid male figure that gives him an edge and keeps him on the straight and narrow .
3 However , when the first violin takes up the theme of the lullaby high up in its register , he plays with a pure sweetness that makes him sound like a luminous voice in the distance .
4 Underwood has speed and balance and , on the New Zealand evidence , that extra sense that carries him closer to attacking chances than Andrew Harriman , despite the latter 's Rolls-Royce speed .
5 I , what I do n't , if Andrew obviously feels he 's got a strong process that suits him and I do n't want to knock that on the head .
6 Doyle 's greyhound is a pair of electricians ' pipes , which he lights upon , paints and plays , producing a doleful sound that soothes him — it is like mumbling your mantra or telling your beads .
7 He 's wearing a crisp white shirt that makes him look tanned .
8 Resource-based learning can last as little as ten minutes : a child 's scrutiny of a repeating film-loop which teaches him a concept or skill he will need for the next part of his programme ; a short programmed exercise that enables him to test his grasp of an idea or piece of knowledge before embarking on a larger exercise ; a work-card unit giving practise in loading a projector or using a subject catalogue .
9 D. B. Sweeney plays Doug Dorsey , a working class lad whose bright future in the National Hockey League is ended by a playing accident that leaves him with permanent eye damage .
10 Maybe it is just the cold air that makes him sound that way .
11 Eva observed : " No matter how devastated people can be there 's a tremendous resilience in the human being that allows him to get up and start again .
12 You wonder , is it something to do with cerebral palsy that makes him clever or is it just that his mother is musical anyway ?
13 ‘ As a team manager , Mr Chapman has been strikingly successful , and he unites with his keen business abilities a winning personality that makes him very popular .
14 Hear us now as we attempt to contact Simon 's father and help him in the great spiritual work that awaits him in this prime time of his boyhood ! ’
15 The Great Detective , for all that he figures in mere detective stories , is a figure to parallel with the great poet and the great scientist because in solving the sort of genuinely baffling mystery that confronts him , in fact he goes some way to solving a yet greater mystery , the mystery of the human personality .
16 ‘ His work is the only thing that sustains him , ’ Ketura said .
17 ‘ Does it mean that everybody has some definite thing that moves him ? ’
18 The French messenger Mountjoy , bringing an insult from the Dauphin , is met with a fierce defiance that leaves him , in this version , visibly shocked .
19 So Madam I 'm asking you to say that these circumstances , this is the sort of case that should never have come before the court , it should 've been sorted out between the parties themselves , with the aid of their solicitors , and that it 's only the overreaction of the police in this particular circumstance that brings him before the court here .
20 This makes me wonder if it is the creative thought that guides the discoverer or whether it is the emotion that is the creative force that impels him to the solution .
21 He remains quiet within himself , but he is difficult to overcome , because of the circular energy that surrounds him .
22 Even J F Sebastian ( William Sanderson ) , a genetic designer of the replicants , suffers from an unspecified disease that makes him prematurely aged ( the postnuclear elements of the novel are eliminated in the screenplay ) .
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