Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 We have locked them away , in the vain hope that by doing so we could make them disappear .
2 The company car is such a feature of modern British business that in teaching the noble art of firing people , the London Business School reminds trainee firers to demand the car keys from a dismissed employee promptly — not because these are today 's equivalent of Dreyfus 's epaulettes ( which they are ) , but because the car , stuck immovably in the company car-park , may depress other executives .
3 She might think he was a little coarse doing that after saying he despised her , but so what ?
4 To encourage speculators Chéron published a brochure , assuring his would-be customers that by collecting paintings of promising young artists and selling them ten or fifteen years later , they could realize an increase of five to ten times on the purchase price .
5 In my judgment therefore the exercise of his discretion was vitiated on the additional ground that by failing to require that the mother be given notice of the foster mother 's application , he was deprived of material which was necessary for the proper exercise of his discretion .
6 The preliminary conclusion , then , that emerges from our discussion so far is this : that the concept of a topic of discourse is analytically linked with that of identity and that there can be no question of " defining " this link in terms of the conditions of re-identification of such topics , whether they be meanings or non-meanings , for the simple reason that without presupposing the identity of the topic in a given case , the question of its " reidentification " can not even be intelligibly raised .
7 Erm I would like to say a few words about the Fire and Rescue Service , er the Fire Cover Review Panel er which rests erm with couple of months before Christmas er it 's first meeting , received a report from the Chief Officer that in restructuring the Fire Service to get better use out of it to er spread the cuts could find savings of up to nine hundred thousand pounds in that process and they are friends in the Labour , Liberal Democrat groups have simply taken the good aspects of that the plus side of it and rejected the side what faces the side anyway .
8 I was appalled to note in Peter Jones 's report today of the Scottish Labour conference that in opposing the proposal to give the Scottish party greater autonomy the North Aberdeen MP , Bob Hughes , could warn delegates against the danger of ‘ being dragged down the back alleys of silly little constitutional issues ’ .
9 Despite few policy differences between the two major parties , the PNM exploited widespread fears that in agreeing to the temporary residence of 100 Haitian refugees , Robinson was seeking to change the racial mix in a country where race relations had become a major political and social issue .
10 Rapidly the realisation spread among pre-literate peoples that by harvesting the fruits of the earth and by adding water to wild-growing , or naturally produced , sugar-containing raw materials — like grapes , fruits , berries or honey — and by leaving the sweet mishmash exposed in the warm air ( at the mercy of airborne yeasts ) , a highly prized stimulating beverage would reward the effort .
11 A director from each of the new companies would acquire shares and sit on the SUPPLYKITS board : as Miranda owned the entire company , these inducement shares would reduce her holding , but Adam had convinced a reluctant Miranda that by relinquishing fifteen per cent of her shares , she was exchanging a hundred per cent of a small orange for eighty-five per cent of a crateful .
12 Although desiccation is generally considered to be the most lethal influence in larval survival , there is increasing evidence that by entering a state of anhydrobiosis , certain larvae can survive severe desiccation .
13 It was common ground that in granting leave to the foster mother to apply for a residence order the judge was exercising a judicial discretion .
14 If it can be proved that the pattern exists , then there is a strong possibility that by tracing this pattern , certain locations will be revealed to which the metal detectorist would be well-advised to direct his search .
15 Mr Lamont told the other ministers that in speaking of fault lines he had merely meant that the British and German economies were out of phase .
16 And there 's the added advantage that by using an estate agent you 're dealing with a dedicated property specialist , a description which applies to only a handful of solicitors .
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