Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that will [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In this context the rhetorical commitment to the free market begins to look contradictory not only in terms of the feather-bedding of urban redevelopment but also in the imposition of a particular new economic order , a specific choice about the form of economic change that will occur .
2 His unspoken message was : ‘ If you do n't do a deal with me , you will be blamed for the economic chaos that will result . ’
3 Among the areas he mentioned was China , which yesterday announced long-awaited plans that will allow Western oil companies to start drilling in 12 onshore areas .
4 The caution takes Mohan to 21 points and a one-match ban that will rule him out of the home game against Barnsley .
5 Obviously , you need a heavy bomb to cast the distance , so you may as well use bolt-rig tactics that will take a great deal of sag out of that great length of line when you clip up to the rod .
6 It is careful analysis and a clear direction that will bring rewards .
7 It may mean some gentle but very straight talking , if your parent does not realise your need to have time alone with your friends , but if you can not bring yourself to establish this right , you will have precious little hope of organising any other social activities that will give you a break from daily routine .
8 This is a good buy if you want a light planer that will do basic planing and bevelling tasks .
9 This book will provide you not only with a healthy weight-loss programme that will suit your metabolism , but also the knowledge that is necessary to help you adhere to it .
10 And I myself , as er your course leader has indicated , I was on a course here myself some four weeks ago listening to the same subject , doing the physical exercises etcetera etcetera and listening and trying to take in , I wo n't say I did , trying to take in all the different aspects that will affect us in our er retirement years .
11 Mike Sullivan , department manager of Books Etc , Charing Cross lists new and old authors that will sell in 1993
12 But gradually the blood is drawn back into the body and the veins harden into rigid struts that will give the wing its strength .
13 In one sentence it was ‘ The objectives of US policy can only be attained by such French action that will satisfy the nationalist aspirations of the peoples of Indo-China ’ .
14 So , in the space of three years , the curious puzzle of the shrinking Sun has taken researchers from the studies of dusty old records locked away in the files of the world 's most famous observatory to speculations about the internal workings of the Sun and a grim warning of the possible climatic future that will confront the next generation of human beings on an already overcrowded planet .
15 If the theory survives these tests , it will probably be some years more before we develop computational methods that will enable us to make predictions and before we can account for the initial conditions of the universe as well as the local physical laws .
16 For each of the first eight weeks there is a weekly plan that will touch on a different aspect of your diet .
17 THE BBC still has n't signed the contract with British Aerospace , Marconi and British Telecom that will seal its place aboard a satellite to broadcast TV signals and hi-fi sound direct into British homes from 1986 .
18 From here you should descend along a northerly spur that will include two further tops , Stob Coire Easain and Beinn na Soacaich , and head for a dam , which you will find where the Allt Coire an Eoin meets the trees .
19 Mac , who gained her fourth win of the week with Everest Gringo on Saturday afternoon , was chosen earlier that day for the British team that will compete on the American Fall Circuit which begins later this month .
20 I am about to set in motion a peculiar process that will result in a $10 million loan to a Philippine construction company , a bedfellow of the Marcos clan — a loan that will soon go sour .
21 The only way forward must be to view LMS as an enabling device that will allow schools to plan more effectively and then use their resources more efficiently to meet identified needs .
22 CD-ROMs are not a good model to use because their appeal so far is more specialised than the popular multimedia that will characterise consumer market products .
23 Bituminous waterproofers are black liquids which are simply brushed on and left to dry , and form a waterproof coating that will cure pinhole leaks in surfaces such as flat or corrugated roofs .
24 We are involved in many discussions and complaints about the new smoking arrangements that will come into force next year .
25 It 's the combination of academic and social learning that will help the pupils survive and compete in the seeing world .
26 Is he aware that the negotiations have been going on for five years , that we must have a replacement for the multi-fibre arrangement that will enable our textiles to penetrate the markets of countries which do not allow any textiles in and those with tariffs of 200 per cent. , and that even the United States has a tariff of 36 per cent .
27 Considering how much attention has been given to ‘ child development ’ by psychologists and educationists , it should be possible to find a generally-accepted theory that will help us to order our thoughts .
28 Invest in good-quality furniture and you can turn it into a luxurious haven that will look good for years to come .
29 Last December , the Secretary of State for the Environment , Michael Heseltine , revealed that the Government was considering surrendering Somerset House — largely occupied by the Inland Revenue and the Lord Chancellor 's probate registry — for ‘ some imaginative public use that will add further lustre to London ’ .
30 In East Berlin , as the Communist Party 's central committee continued in crisis session , the East German President , Mr Egon Krenz , declared : ‘ We have a great task ahead of us … to carry through a revolution on German soil that will bring a socialism which is economically effective , politically democratic , and morally clean . ’
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