Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] to [adj] people " in BNC.

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1 Hebephrenia was once used to describe a form , typically beginning in adolescence , in which the person complains of auditory hallucinations , talks in an incomprehensible way , and shows totally inappropriate emotional reactions to other people .
2 He proposes four bonds : attachment ( the extent to which individuals have close emotional ties to other people ) ; commitment ( the extent to which they see conventional behaviour , for example at school , as offering immediate or long-term rewards ) ; involvement ( the extent to which their time is taken up with conventional activities ) ; belief ( the extent to which their beliefs about what is permissible or not coincide with conventional ones ) .
3 The company was formed by Robert Southam , who also acts and directs for the company and in 1979 launched the European Summer School of Arts and Languages at Oxford , which takes place at the University and offers courses in theatre , music , dance , painting , film-making and English and French literature to young people from all over Europe , including Oxfordshire .
4 With their sympathetic , open-minded attitudes to young people , they came closest to the RCM ideal for a foster family .
5 For diverse and often disparate groupings , the language of scientificity stood as a metaphor and a referent , which condensed specific anxieties and signified different solutions to different people .
6 FREE entry to disabled people this weekend at Manchester 's Museum of Transport .
7 The most popular visitors to old people are the good listeners , who concentrate with interest on what they are saying , making the occasional encouraging comment .
8 It 's no good preaching sermons to young people about the value of labour if all they do is to guide a piece of metal into a press and tread on a pedal a hundred times a day …
9 Unlike America , Britain has nothing equivalent to the ‘ food bank ’ , through which gifts of food can be distributed on a community-wide basis to poor people .
10 I 'm a different person to different people .
11 And here is another one of the paradoxes of the Williams life , the closed compartments that ensured Ken was a different person to different people .
12 ‘ After all , words like ‘ wispy ’ and ‘ short ’ mean different things to different people , ’ she said .
13 Protecting the environment means different things to different people , but in most cases it is the individual 's own perception of what he or she wants from the environment .
14 Discussing the patient 's ‘ auditory environment ’ Gough ( 1986 ) provides vignettes showing how noise means different things to different people and reminds nurses that it is possible to be upset by silence , for example a child in an isolation unit — a salutary reminder of the importance of individualising nursing according to the circumstances .
15 This term meant so many different things to different people that the results were almost impossible to classify .
16 While in theory all parties are agreed that the talks should cover three ‘ strands ’ — Northern Ireland , north-south and Anglo-Irish relations — one UUP source said : ‘ It seems these three strands mean different things to different people . ’
17 Comfort means different things to different people , but when food and comfort are mentioned in the same breath , chances are that the tastes and textures of childhood will come back to visit us whether we consciously realise it or not .
18 Mobile phones are different things to different people .
19 Terms like multicurrency , multilanguage and pan-European mean different things to different people — especially software suppliers .
20 Terms like multicurrency , multilanguage and pan-European mean different things to different people especially software suppliers
21 ‘ His reputation for saying different things to different people , for working both sides of the street , is a classic politicians method .
22 Consequently , these words mean quite different things to different people .
23 Nursing as work or as a vocation can mean different things to different people .
24 However , the term means different things to different people .
25 The word community itself means so many different things to different people that its use frequently adds to the confusion .
26 The problem is that just like the ‘ moral treatments ’ of the nineteenth century , normalization has come to mean different things to different people , and professionals who have espoused the concept of ‘ normalization ’ often proselytize their views with a religious fervour which , though often motivating to fellow staff , can be alienating to those who are unfamiliar with the concept .
27 ‘ Atonality ’ means different things to different people .
28 Quality means different things to different people depending on either your job or your view of it .
29 We are told that federalism means different things to different people , that it is a benign arrangement which does not centralise but pushes power downwards to the people and the regions and that it is based on subsidiarity .
30 Speaking to the European Parliament ( EP ) after the summit Ruud Lubbers , Prime Minister of the Netherlands , said that the word federal had been dropped because it meant different things to different people .
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