Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] it have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What rotten luck it had to happen now !
2 Nature of operations The Bank operates on a non-profit-making basis , and so its interest charges are close to the average rates it has to pay in the EC and international capital markets .
3 Once the product hits the real world it has to cope with users who are not so well behaved or gentle — hence the totally new crop of errors .
4 … for an aspiring educational ideology to be able to mount a serious challenge at the national level it has to link three concepts together : the desired society , the type or types of educated individuals necessary for that society , and the educational means to fulfil these two ends .
5 All this information , compiled during a journey that may have lasted as much as a quarter of an hour , enabled it to deduce the exact course it had to take in order to arrive back at its nest-hole .
6 In other words for every three pounds , thirty membership fee , the National Federation it has to pay just over a forty nine pence to Customs and Excise .
7 Its mellow character is compounded of its age , its comfortable lack of pretension and the various roles it has to play as farm , design studio and home . ’
8 In addition , by having this land available at the value of its current use , rather than at a value based on speculation as to its possible development , the community will be able to provide , in the places that need them , the public facilities it needs , but can not now afford because of the inflated price it has to pay to the private owner .
9 The headquarters engineering department found , however , that for new stations it had to take on many more staff , both to develop its limited expertise in generation design , and to fulfil its function of coordinating the work of the fourteen divisions to which generation operations and construction had been decentralised .
10 If SR is to remain a relevant magazine it has to continue to attract new young readers — with outlets for feminist and particularly lesbian thought being cut back on all sides SR could well be a first line in this battle for the foreseeable future .
11 On the other hand it has to hold the interest of a class for at least one viewing .
12 I I 'm certainly not My Lords er un er er an unqualified admirer of all our procedures in local Government , but I do believe that before central Government is further down the road of , of erm usurping functions which are now those of local government it has to persuade a large number of people that its own performance justifies such a course and myself I do n't believe it does .
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