Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] it [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 It makes law depend on distinct social conventions it designates as legal conventions ; in particular on conventions about which institutions should have power to make law and how .
2 Covered in sharp angled corners it feels as if the slightest pressure would collapse it .
3 4-0 up and with the pack apparantly in tremendous form it looked as if Gloucester would sew up the game in the first half .
4 For a brief moment it looked as if someone was on fire .
5 In the human entity it manifests as consciousness reaching in its highest expression towards wisdom and enlightenment .
6 In the human breast it acts as an antioestrogen whereas oestrogenic effects have been reported on human vaginal epithelium and endometrium .
7 In fact , it could be argued that too little has been made of the naturalness of depression — that to a large extent it develops as an understandable reaction to life circumstances .
8 With low powers it appears as a dim blur ; I have suspected some resolution with × 20 , but not with any real confidence .
9 ‘ We have taken a step backward , ’ Ryan said — and on this sorry evidence it looks as if it will be backwards all the way when the Test takes place at Cardiff Arms Park on 4 November .
10 It must often seem a ‘ second best ’ situation , to be resisted as long as possible , although for some vulnerable people it comes as a relief and a right , after years of effort , to feel someone else is in charge .
11 After the collapse of the Byzantine capital it continued as inspiration for Russian architects and artists who gradually adapted the style to their own climate , building materials and taste .
12 On such occasions the airline needs to know at the earliest possible moment whether there is something inherently wrong with its equipment , procedures or training , and therefore the official investigators should keep the airline fully informed of the factual material it establishes as the investigation proceeds .
13 For a long time it felt as if that was all she could do .
14 For a long time it looked as if Newcastle were going to leave with the three points they so desperately needed and it was the visitors who drew first blood .
15 As it happened Namibia won the game and the tournament , but for a long time it looked as if the Zimbabweans would win , leaving the hitherto unbeaten Namibians out in the cold .
16 The Congress of Vienna returned Danzig to the Prussians , and for a short while it functioned as the administrative capital of West Prussia , with a corresponding growth in civil servants and officials .
17 After the hours spent in Luke 's disturbing company it came as a relief to hold a light , uncomplicated conversation with an ordinary guy .
18 Though at any given amount it looks as if it is n't going anywhere , it 's always on the move , lumbering from crisis to crisis .
19 In those dispiriting circumstances it comes as no surprise to find politicians trying to offer a means of escaping from the encircling gloom .
20 Unreconstructed premodernists regard the hover as effete and arriviste , citing the quasi-male purposeful movement of the cylinder mower and the pictorial geometries it creates as proof of its superiority .
21 For an agonising moment it felt as if she was naked again , under the intent , laughing scrutiny of those cruel grey eyes .
22 A foreign court is at liberty to appoint a consul in England of its own country , or any other person it desires as an examiner to take evidence .
23 It has n't eaten though the whole $30m it got as a dowry to start up .
24 To my childish imagination it seemed as if she was still alive to what was happening and was showing her disapproval .
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