Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] and then [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Windsfield straight into New Invention and every Wednesday night , first it was the cows that would come and then the sheep and they 'd got to walk to the abattoir at Bloxwich , and erm sometimes the cows were so heavy with milk that er a lot of people in New Invention had free milk and then if the , if the sheep would be here there and everywhere you know and then with mother living where there was an entry dividing four houses er and a well straight at the top , and a. a big old-fashioned er tap for the cold water , there were n't any taps laid in kitchen in er what are the outhouses it was a communal tap erm sometimes the sheep would get out of hand and they 'd run up the entry hall and all round mother 's yard and then the cows would go around , but er it , it to me I felt sorry about it , because especially in the summer er erm the poor things were so hot and to walk all those miles , now they 're carried are n't they and they used to every Wednesday every Wednesday of the year the drivers would er the men must have been absolutely tired out , well although they 'd be used to it would n't they , but it was miles to walk from Wolverhampton the cattle market to Blox straight to Bloxwich and er that was another event that erm it , we , it , we used to have .
2 The scene was set for a movie genius but what was important for the history of the movies was that the genius who emerged to push the medium and the industry into a new era was a self-educated romantic whose values and ideas had not been provided by any distinctive intellectual tradition or urban political party but rather had emerged first out of his Southern , rural , Methodist past and then as he had drifted through a rapidly changing America .
3 I 'd bum round the world looking for a lost cause and then if I found one I 'd settle down and try to save it .
4 Now apart from by taking land from the landlords which is pretty in unspecific , all of the others are , are s are straight , very moderate , very limited acquisitions and then if you go on where you 've got ta protect the middle peasant etcetera , then they are really very low key methods , you , you , you would not see that I think as being the return to land reform .
5 Now I used to get him along there and then he was sort of in tears but there was kids in the hall , the little hall and then when you sort come in the door , not the main door , the one , the
6 They know what it 's like to stand on both sides of the competitive fence and have now been involved with the sport for well over a decade , first as top international competitions and then as manager and coach of the national team .
7 She served as its honorary secretary and then as chairman .
8 And them erm when everybody 's been caught by the person who 's at the person sat saying things like hot bananas hot milk and then when they say hot chocolate the you 've got to run back .
9 Her cries of ‘ Look , that 's my mum , ’ are greeted by a stunned silence and then as one the phlegmatic Londoners rise from their seats and … rush from the compartment !
10 I put the branch two-handed over my right shoulder as I run up to them , jump over a small bush and then as I land at their side bring the branch swinging down .
11 When they 're discarded the single O atoms does n't go and join the O twos to make ozone again it just goes another single O and then when .
12 Try saying big glass as you would say big game and then as you would say big deal .
13 For him , there is not enough room in life for anything but one-to-one relationships and then as now , Niki has always been better in such relationships than in the goings-on of a board or a team .
14 It seems that in any country , the Rottweiler is always recognized as a working dog first and a show dog as an after thought and then as only a show dog .
15 But in that case is it a bit like the report where you , you , you 've got this quite radical introduction and then when you come on to the , the bits at the end it 's , it is really quite moderate ?
16 I said an er I said do you think that I was n't a career woman , I said I gave it all up for yo er to have to look after my young babies and then when the babies were no longer young , when I got through that phase of my life I went back and combined looking after a home very adequately , thank you !
17 He 'd play a couple of quiet rounds and then when it got hectic and everyone else wanted to be playing , he 'd stay away from the course and just hit a few balls in practice .
18 It 's just I mean as philosophy just very standardly takes words from ordinary language gradually gets a technical meaning , er which is different from the original meaning and then when ordinary speakers use it in the original meaning they get told off .
19 That 's the main thing and then if you 've got any questions afterwards hopefully we 'll still have time to go through a few questions .
20 She felt faint and tremulous under the sweet pressure and then when his lips grew more demanding the faintness was gone and pure sensual sensation clamoured her senses .
21 Erm I think we need to endorse the action taken by the judicial treasurer and then if we was then to go onto second bits , which is urging the churches to give five percent more than that in the past you could debate that se separately .
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