Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] in [adj] people " in BNC.

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1 The hypothesis is that , when there is no formal communication structure to ensure that the symbols used trigger the same reaction everywhere , differentiations such as those above have the effect of making it probable that they will trigger quite different responses in different people .
2 SERAFIN : But then you 're not the kind of man who would wish to arouse painful feelings in other people , so let's find some more plausible circumstance .
3 For two years I worked as a residential officer in old people 's homes in addition to my academic work .
4 In these circumstances the public interest in encouraging people to report cases of child abuse has been held to outweigh other interests .
5 This reduces stiffness , enables the person to move more freely , and will serve to reduce arthritic problems in elderly people .
6 While these changes do not alone amount to a decisive shift in the social and political culture , they none the less have a crucial role in shaping people 's feelings about themselves and their own worth .
7 Alan Walker argues that the social security policies have played a central role in puffing people on the margins of society , forcing them into retirement and then providing them with a pension which reduces many older people to economic dependency and even poverty .
8 First , when we examine a very wide range of psychotic traits in normal people , using questionnaires that contain different kinds of item , we find that they tend to group into clusters closely corresponding to the different ways in which clinical psychosis manifests itself : in emotion , in perception and thinking , and in socially deviant behaviour .
9 For example Roe ( 1952 ) , Eiduson ( 1962 ) and McClelland ( 1962 ) suggested that male scientists often experienced a lonely childhood , perhaps suffering social isolation through illness or family circumstances , so that they developed a strong interest in their surrounding material world and a below average interest in other people and relationships .
10 Food plays a large part in elderly people 's lives .
11 Disabled people do not need to deny the individual psychological costs they pay ; rather , we need to identify them as a most directly experienced aspect of oppression , and dispute not the existence of psychological distress in disabled people but the kinds of causal account that are produced .
12 It has been reported that PGA phenotype A is associated with duodenal ulcer in white people .
13 However , as it is the only qualification in this area , we have endless problems in discouraging people from attributing to it all sorts of accreditations for which it was not designed and have to point out that it does not qualify people to interpret , give advice or act on behalf of others .
14 Dowdeswell worries about meeting contract commitments and the costs of having a geriatrician concerned in all complex assessments in elderly people .
15 The Thatcher administration felt the behaviour of the tabloid press in invading people 's privacy was one such matter — although their behaviour outraged all civilized standards , the worst offending newspapers were owned by political sympathizers like Rupert Murdoch .
16 He took a great interest in young people , not only during the course of his duties at the Salzburg Mozarteum , but also beyond that .
17 This present dependence on others for the correction of minor matters may trigger more profound resentment in old people about the degree and nature of the dependence in which old age has placed them .
18 An evaluation of the multidisciplinary approach to psychiatric diagnosis in elderly people
19 It may not always mean a great deal ( though sometimes a title of this sort can be read as a genuine sign of worth ) , but it plays an essential part in reassuring people in a notoriously insecure and uncertain business .
20 What can be said about fluoride is that at concentrations of even less than one part per million ( the official dose ) it can cause toxic reactions in sensitive people and recent reassessments of the fluoridation scene suggest that this measure may be much more harmful to health than has been hitherto realized .
21 This is an essential skill in managing people , because it gets others involved and committed .
22 The Medical Research Council 's trial of antihypertensive treatment in elderly people found that death from cancer was nearly twice as common in men receiving atenolol as in men receiving placebo .
23 Editor , — B C Campbell asserts that there is no consistency in the results of trials of antihypertensive treatment in elderly people .
24 An Australian trial of treatment of mild hypertension in elderly people showed no reduction in fatal strokes but a 75% reduction in ischaemic cardiac deaths .
25 Residues in meat may also cause allergic reactions in sensitive people .
26 Paints for people with allergies : Some of the chemicals in paint can bring on allergic reactions in sensitive people , and some paints are made omitting the specific materials that cause these allergies .
27 This phenomenon as been noted previously by other groups and could be associated with progression of the chronic H pylori gastritis to atrophic gastritis in elderly people , because severe gastric atrophy seems to make the stomach inhospitable to H pylori .
28 A rationale for using denatured gp160 as a therapeutic agent in HIV-infected people is to boost the immune response by raising antibodies against novel gp160 epitopes , as and , and & name : et all . ,
29 Absence from the scene , thought Meredith , and being involved in other countries in other people 's affairs had made it all seem rather long ago .
30 New Zealand , which used to have a habit of joining up with its main western allies in other people 's fights , has ruled out sending soldiers .
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